Chapter 8: Great Naval battle of Rhodius

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Sorry, the last chapter is not chapter 6 but chapter 8 and i want to tell after two month looking for some idea, i will try to publish this writing in interval 2 per week. Thank you for reading my story.


Loria Great Fleet, water around Maihark, 13 April 1945 (2605 koki), 13 April Central Calender

Flag Ship of Lorian Great Fleet, dawn

Admiral Shakur of Lorian fleet lead the greates fleet on the Lorian history,  maybe on the whole history of Rhodius Continent. King of Lorian Haak Lorian XXXIV and his minister begun building the Lorian military force and training the them fo six years before al of this invasion started for his dream of the unification of Rhodius Continent under Kingdom of Lorian with their human superiority theory. Since the fund required for training and the military buildup was a very large amount for the nation of the scale of Lorian and more so the cost for the mantain such force. The Lorian have no choice but to bow their head to the Parpaldia for the additional fund.

The Parpadia Empire throught their third foreign affair departement who was given the freedom of use of resource avaible to made the goal of Parpadia Empire in the "Barbaric Country" was achieved in the process. Because of this, the third foreign affair departement of Parpadia Empire begun giving a very large amount of money to Lorian so they can train and maintain their military force as effective as possible in exchange for given some strategic resorce in parpaldia standar.

Admiral Shakur heard from some of his friend in the capital that the king is really pissed off with his deal to the Parpaldia Empire that their was a plan that when the conquest of Rhodius Continent is completed and enought rest, their will attack the Parpaldia Empire with their own force so they can tast their own medicine.

Shakur thought to himselft after thinking about all of this 'Our naval and land force has been upgrade in this past six years, our army was numbered around 150k and our vessel is numbered around 4.000 and our crew was experience in handling their vessel. I'm sure that nobody even in the civilazed area can destroy our force'.

"Is their any Qua-Toyne ship around this area?" Shakur asked his second in command.

"No admiral, our men not see any Qua-Toyne until now." his second in command replied.

"Continue to searching, i don't want any accident to happen went we begin our invasion." Admiral Shakur Replied.

"Yes, admiral." Said Shakur second in command.

80 km from Lorian Great Fleet, IJN Crusier Task Force 1

Officer Breweye from Qua-Toyne 2nd Fleet is now in Mogami bridge, looking the ship whit awe expresion. Heavy Crusier Mogami of Mogami class heavy cruiser is the lead ship of this crusier squadrom. This crusier task force whose member was Mogami with her sister ship suzuya  and light cruiser Yashoshima (ex RoC Ping Hai) and her sister ship Ioshima (ex RoC Ning Hai) was send to the port city of Maihark went it was confirmed Lorian was already send their army and naval force to conquer Qua-Toyne and Quila, and another reason why just cruiser was sent to destroy Lorian fleet because the initial idea to use the a battleship and a carrier to attack such a force was to overkill so the idea was changed just to send four cruisers, and with this change still many think this was an overkill but was the revision plan was already sat in mosion.

When this IJN Cruiser task force come for the first time to the Porr City of Maihark few days ago, their task force is already can drop their anchor in the port because the goverment already aware the value of the port to the trade between Japan and Qua-Toyne, so the goverment renovate the port so the future Japanese ship like Yamato class ship can drop their achor in the harbor. Officer Breweye still remember when the goverment send them news that Japanese sent reinforcement of 4 cruiser to help Wua-Toyne to destroy Lorian Great Fleet, his superior Admiral Pancere was disappointed when he heard the news from the goverment because how little the ship Japanese sent to attack Qua-Toyne. When the task force whas come to achor in Maihark for the first time, it cause quite a sensation itself to the population, because in all their life the population has never seen such ship as big as the Japanese warship which drop their achor in the dock. When Admiral Pancere see four crusiers of IJN finally dock, he was regret why the goverment not put some presure to Japan to send more ship to theur aid. The goverment already coordinated with navy HQ of IJN to send some observer and after some heated debade, admiral Pancere and officer Breweye was sent to analysis the capability of this crusier task force and by side note the capability of IJN as a whole.

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