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hello hello


'Hey Bow? I think I love someone.'

You know, out of all the things that are happening right now, Bow didn't have this on his 'Save the Planet from a Super Evil Mastermind' bingo card. He hesitated before saying anything, he wasn't aware that Adora was capable of mentioning anything so out of the blue. Actually, yes he was, just not about this. He always took Adora as the aloof member of the best friend squad, anything about romance was especially out of her reach to him.

'Oh? Who?' Was all he could muster, which was stupid, because you could bet any amount of money that everyone in the Rebellion knew who it was. Bow and Glimmer have indeed exchanged a few looks whenever the rivals clashed head on with each other, there was more than just anger towards each other, there was a certain depth of something that they couldn't quite pinpoint. Perhaps it could be love? It was the only thing he could think of, though, thinking more thoroughly he knew love was not directed by attempting murder. Maybe it was a Horde thing? A hidden love that was locked away as soon as they were separated. How Romeo and Juliet of them.

'Well...Well it's Catra..It's weird. I love all of you guys and would do anything for you, but it's like..A different kind of love when it comes to her.'

Bow giggled ever so softly. How was he going to explain this to Adora, knowing her, she would go head on with her feelings and be open with them. And open she was, extremely, like an open book. He faced her, smiling a soft smile.

'You're in love.'

If Glimmer's mind could run, it would be a mile a minute? On one hand, it was reasonable that Catra would assume Adora did this, after all the fighting and wanting to open the other's throat, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. On the other hand, Adora would never, she could never do this to Catra. Putting something as dreadful as this on a person was something only pure evil people could do, so even thinking about Adora was wrong. So, she shook her head at the brunette, pulling her hands into her own.

'Listen. I know we haven't been great to each other until recently. But you will have to trust me, whatever this is, it isn't Adora. I know you know her, but so do I.' She rested her hand on Catra's, a short warmth enveloping the touch, their eyes met. Catra's eyes were hopeless, pale in comparison to Glimmer's.

'I just don't know, Sparkles. I can't trust what you say. It only ever happens when I go near Adora, when I have these feelings. It's scary.'

Fear, Catra noted, became more prominent once Prime descended onto them. Before that, she wanted to be the one to strike fear into her enemies, but oh how she felt like an ant amongst the tigers.

'I understand.' Glimmer replied, replying was one thing, but believing was another. She was going to make Catra believe that Adora had nothing to do with it, by finding out what did cause it.

No other words were exchanged between them, they ate in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means, it was a treasured peace. It hadn't been like this since they were last together on Prime's ship.

After a quick dusting of hands, the brunette raised her hands around Glimmer's shoulders, pulling her in for a small squeeze. Physical activity, that wasn't violent or provoking, was new territory to Catra. Since Adora left, she felt no connection to another person, instead, getting irritated at one's advances to become closer with her.

She thought to herself, taken aback at what was happening. She never did this with Scorpia. Her former friend was always so patient, expressing every emotion with such grandure that it was impossible not to know how she was feeling. Maybe that's why she was always irritated with her, she lacked Scorpia's confidence, the confidence to be open around others. Everyone loved Scorpia, it was like she had a magnet for happy people, attracting everyone to her soft, kind nature, Catra couldn't lower her defenses enough to treasure it. She couldn't even lower her defenses out of anger. If she did, would she seem vulnerable? Would she look like she needed saving again? No, she couldn't let that happen. No one would be there to save her.

Glimmer's hands tightened around Catra's small frame. It wasn't an action that lasted forever, but the time it took for them to get to this point felt like it. Soft fur embraced Glimmer's arm and cherished the feeling of warmth shared. She needed this.

'In love? What do you mean?' Look, Adora knew what love was. What she didn't understand, is how you could be inside of an emotion. In love, with Catra? It felt right, but it didn't sound right. It was new, a new string of words that didn't seem to roll off the tongue as coherent as she would prefer.

'I'm..In love with Catra?' She stared at Bow, silently asking if what she was doing was correct. He stuck his thumbs up, nodding along. 'I'm in love with Catra.' She said, more firmly than before. She was getting the hang of this, it rolled easier now.

'I'm in love with Catra!' She spoke, a triumphant feeling darting through her, in love she was.

'In love with who now?' A muffled voice from the door asked. They whipped their heads to the sound, a pain went through Bow's chest, he prayed the voice was Glimmer. Good thing it was, if Catra were to walk in, Bow would probably tangle himself inside Darla's wires and hide there. The door opened, Glimmer raised an eyebrow as she walked in holding an empty plate. 'Do continue, Adora, who were you talking about?' All eyes were on the blonde, she was ready to speak, her whole chest pouring into a proclamation.

'I'm in love with Catra.' Was what she spoke, the passion turning into a swelling in her chest. She's right, she did love Catra. Catra of all people, but of course it was Catra, of course. Who else could it have been. In any lifetime, any planet, any universe, it was always going to be Catra.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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