Unspoken Feelings

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Because I saw @Miss_Gee_Bee want more, here you go


Entrapta definitely tinkered with the ship more than once, what was she meant to do when Adora and the others were mining for some thulite? Leave everything alone like Bow asked? As if. Her tech took her places, her tech relieved her from bad places, and she couldn't help herself, the tech on Darla was begging her to tinker.

Once she heard Bow give her the all clear, it was probably one of the best things she'd ever experience other than tiny food. 'Hahah, great!! Hey, Darla!!' She yelled excitedly, even using her fingers to whistle as the gang went silent. The others didn't know what they expected, seeing as Entrapta was one of the most unpredictable princesses they'd ever met, but seeing Darla crash head first into the halls of Prime's ship wasn't at the top of their list, maybe not even in the top 10. Just kidding, invading the ship of the intergalactic dictator who plans to destroy the universe to fit his own image by invading you? Maybe top 3. The boom resounded in the already collapsing halls as the ceiling fell onto the clones, immobilizing them as the dust settled onto the ground.

It was almost comedic, how Darla descended the walkway in front of them so casually, which Entrapta and Wrong Hordak happily walked onto, but Bow and Glimmer turned to each other, 'We need to find Adora and get out of here.' He said to her, already trying to scheme how they'd even possibly do that, but it wasn't necessary. Behind the large pile of old pillars and ceiling, a light arose and it revealed She-Ra. They swore they could hear a shine of music as they looked at her, 'She-Ra.' Bow could simply say, his mouth open, gawking at the sight of the seven foot tall princess, and Glimmer's expression was simply the same, 'She's back.'

She-Ra was connected to Adora, she could feel the thoughts and feelings she did. So when she looked down at Catra, a bubble of anger left her, the feline's soft features could make her cry, but instead she smiled softly. Catra was going to be okay, She-Ra would be able to do something. If anyone, it was She-Ra. Her gold shoes stepped down towards the duo that were shocked to say the least, gently placing Catra into Bow's arms as a silent conversation was spoken between them. Bow and Glimmer looked concentrated, not so surprised that She-Ra was back anymore, and rushed aboard the ship.

The clones didn't quit, not even at the sight of She-Ra. So they rushed towards She-Ra, but it was too late as she slashed a colorful 'x' and slash their way. With a loud grunt, she pushed the slashes towards the mob. She waited until after the light to make sure they were all down, she could see dozens scattered around the rubble. She took a step back to confirm none were heading towards her, and once they weren't, she climbed aboard the ship as the platform was closed.

Darla repeatedly warned Entrapta that the ship's shields were low, and that flight wasn't recommended, but Entrapta blocked it out and did her best, it was what she owed. She felt another presence on the ship and immediately cleared the table when she found She-Ra standing their again. She watched as She-Ra put her hand down, and Darla seemed to rejuvenate as she acknowledged the magical being's presence, the originally purple lines flowing into a steady blue as the ship talked back to her.

'Administrator detected. Hello, She-Ra.'

'Hey Darla. Get us out of here.' She simply said back, they all felt the rumbling of the ship as it tried to get out of the tight space. 'And Darla?' She spoke again, turning back to Prime's hallways with a glare, emitting the last of her hatred towards the dictator, 'Make it quick.'

Glimmer looked at Catra with eyes that were misty. She wanted to see Catra awake, but she didn't see any sign of life in her short term friend, but Adora wouldn't let her die here. She knew her best friend, she believed that Catra was good, deep deep down, and Glimmer started to believe that too. She wanted Catra back up and talking to her, sharing small secrets and laughing about what they used to; their plans for the future, their old adventures before becoming enemies, they even laughed about the time Glimmer talked back to Prime. She wanted it back, she didn't want to lose anyone again, when her mother left, she knew how it felt to have lost a part of herself, she didn't want Catra gone, because she'd miss her too.

And Adora wouldn't ever allow her to die, because Adora would lose a part of herself too.

She-Ra came to her best friends and relieved them of their responsibility of Catra. She took the girl into her arms and admired her again, 'Come on Catra, you're not done. Not yet.' She pressed their foreheads against each other, thought of her magic swelling inside her again.

A magic flowed through She-Ra, transferring to the girl in her arms, a similar glow to when she was transforming appearing again as her hair floated and dropped shortly after. She would do anything for Catra to open her stupid eyes again, those stupid, beautiful eyes. She would even give She-Ra just to see a glimpse, and it felt like she did. She was no longer She-Ra with an unconscious Catra in her arms. It was Adora, with Catra waking up in her arms.

Glimmer and Adora alike thought it was too late, but She-Ra wouldn't fail them. Catra's eyes opened again, they weren't green, they weren't controlled, they were hers, the eyes that Adora longed for this entire time. She cried, and she let the tears come freely along her cheeks, looking down at her friend. She had her mind back, her freedom, she regained the parts that made her Catra.

Her emotions pent up on just wanting Catra to be okay, she was going to help her get better whether the other liked it or not.

Because Adora loved Catra.


I'm definitely not a great writer, but I want to try Catra's redemption at a slower pace than the series.

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