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Glimmer's tears streamed down whenever she saw the box, she knew what the meaning was behind it. God, she was so stupid, she should've thought of something so both of them could escape.

Even after meeting the Star siblings, even after being able to get fuel for the ship, she felt a pang of guilt every time she saw it. But, she couldn't bring herself to ever throw it away, Catra would want her to eat it though, so she tried to.

Bow and Adora looked at each other, questioning why their best friend was crying over a pink slice of cake. They originally wanted to ask her, but they thought it was too painful, but now they just wanted to know.

'Glimmer, what happened up there?' Adora asked, Bow putting a hand on Glimmer's shoulder, intending to relax her. The girl responded, 'Catra...She saved me..' She spoke solemnly, taking one bite of the cake and sobbing instantly. It tasted mediocre at best, she assumed Catra made it, seeing as it was nothing that Prime would give her, it broke her. Catra wasn't a bad person, she was manipulated in the situation, inside the Horde. She smiled at the cake, slowly eating the rest, 'We got along up there, on the ship. She was nice, we talked and laughed, we-'

'You mean Catra Catra right, no way could Catra do that, she almost ruined our li-'

'It was Catra, Adora! The same Catra we were fighting against for so long..She's..She's gone now..' She cried, it hit her, she's gone. Her final words were to Glimmer, and she couldn't take it. Adora stared at Glimmer, no. Catra wasn't dead, this was Catra they were talking about. The master of evading near death situations, she wouldn't die, she definitely wouldn't let herself be taken by Prime, 'She was sick, really sick. She coughed up flowers? And blood? And her voice was always hoarse..' She explained, Bow just took a step back, the girls looked at him, he thought to himself for a little bit until he gasped.

'I read a book once, it mentioned something like that..I forgot what it was called!' He explained, even though it wasn't much help, at least someone knew what it was.

Adora was shaking, her best friend was dead? Gone, with nothing left to her, nothing left of her. She let her die thinking Adora hated her, that Adora wanted her dead, and she hated herself for it, guilt enveloped her as she ran away into another room to sob. 'No no no no no!!'

Bow was torn between helping Glimmer or helping Adora, he wanted to help them both so badly, but he just couldn't. He decided to give Glimmer some time to recover, so the archer walked to Adora who was still crying her eyes out. He put a hand on her shoulder, she turned to him and she yanked him into a hug, he didn't care if it was uncomfortable for him, he just wanted to be there for his friend.

Glimmer really wanted to feel better, she calmed down only slightly and stumbled to the room where her best friends were, even Entrapta followed behind her to wrap them all in a hug with her long hair. They wanted everything to be okay, that's all they wanted, it's what they needed.

'We need to go to Prime.' Glimmer spoke, her tone low and absolute. No one opposed, maybe it was because they knew it was wrong to let Prime go free, or maybe it was because they didn't want to put Glimmer through any torture by arguing. Adora looked at Glimmer with her red eyes, the sight burning in Bow's mind, he didn't want his friends to be like this. It was overwhelming. 'Then let's do this.' Bow smiled, being strong for them.

They set course for Prime, they tried to have a plan, they tried to keep calm about it, but rage overwhelmed Glimmer and she was ready to shove Prime off of his own ship. She slowly held Bow's hand, he tightened the hold in return, smiling down at her and pulled her into a hug, they looked to Adora, sitting on what used to be Mara's seat and staring into the wide galaxy as Prime's ship came into view.

Catra was taken by Prime's clones and inspected carefully. 'You disappoint me, Little sister.' Prime could see the issues and the complications, he naturally wanted to throw Catra away, but he realized how witty and valuable of an asset she could be. He had leverage against the Rebellion, against She-Ra, who seemed to be the only thing between him and conquering Etheria. He told the clones to hold her in the cell, planning to put her to use after he thought out his plan. Catra was alive, but she wasn't doing well.

Entrapta told them all to wear her manufactured space suits, they were only in the testing phase, but she didn't want to reveal that to the people who put trust in her. Glimmer, Bow and her nestled themselves outside of the ship, leaving Adora to be captured once the ship landed. 'Take me to Prime, I know he's been looking for me.' Adora says firmly, a clone behind her confirming no other people on board Darla, they watched her take her away, and they only hoped that Adora could keep herself safe, even if she wasn't She-Ra.

Glimmer sprinted towards the holding cells, begging that Catra would still be alive, hoping Prime had the mercy to bring her to the cell. She defeated a clone by smashing the chip into its neck, and used its hand to open every single cell door, but Catra wasn't in the first one, or second, or third.

'Glimmer, how is it going?' Adora said, barely a whisper, she was being hussled by the clones, who didn't seem to take notice of her speaking. They were leading her for a while, she assumed that she was going really far into the ship. Maybe they should've thought this plan out better than they did. But it didn't matter, Adora heard Glimmer's voice again.

'Oh my gosh, Catra.'

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