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Adora was ready to tear Prime's face into two pieces, but he just kept talking to her. The way he kept mentioned her best friend as, 'your Catra', broke her down several times as she struggled in the clone's grip. She couldn't let him get away with this, he hurt everybody by coming to Etheria, he hurt her friends, her best friends. She wouldn't ever let him get away with it, she needed to become She-Ra, no matter what. She tried so hard, she tried to use her pent up anger to try and transform, to feel something that could help her. But nothing was there, she could only feel faint glows but maybe it was just the remaining power left in her. After Light Hope, she couldn't summon She-Ra after breaking the sword, and she's felt helpless ever since.

'Adora, was it? You have caused quite the..disturbance in my rule. You were bold enough to come here however, for your Catra, am I wrong?' You want to see her again, don't you? Very well.' Prime nodded to one of the clones, who seemed to leave the room, as he continued to taunt Adora. She kept hearing Glimmer's voices until she screamed, her earpiece short circuiting, realizing Prime knew about it. A deafening sound was screeched into the ears of the friends. Prime grinned down at Adora, 'You should give up, if the Rebellion surrenders to me, then I may just let your lives escape, for the price of Etheria of course. I can cleanse this magic ridden universe, I will make it powerful!' He spoke, a triumphant fist gripped in from of his chest, yes, this is what he's always wanted, he was so close. He wouldn't let one girl and her puny friends take this from him, his power, his reign was all powerful, all knowing.

Adora knee better than to trust his words, she couldn't have Prime take over Etheria, she had already lost so much to Hordak and the Horde itself, she wouldn't let the sacrifices of her friends go to waste. She didn't want to disappoint them, she had to become She-Ra, for their sake. For Catra's sake. She wanted to make things right with her old friend, she didn't know if she could, but she really wanted to, for the sake of getting closure. Maybe closure is what Catra needed, and Adora, being the perfect hero she was, wanted to deliver. She glared up at Prime, her anger seething as he continued to blabber on about something, she blocked it out, she didn't care. She needed She-Ra.

Glimmer found Catra after opening the prison door, she seemed passed out, but that wasn't the worst of it. Her usually messy, fluffy hair was cut and gelled back behind her ears, and she was wearing a white and gray overall, lying down on a bed. But importantly, her face was clean, there weren't petals anymore, or blood. She ran over to her, shaking her in hopes of waking her up, Catra wasn't done yet, not here, they had the sleepover to have, and the..the cake. 'Catra, please wake up, god, Catra wake up...!'

She soon saw her friend heterochromatic eyes stare into her own before she shut them again and agonized in pain. She groaned and curled up into a ball as Glimmer wrapped her in a hug, 'Catra! Oh god you're awake, thank gosh...Come on, Bow, Entrapta and Adora can't hold off Prime and his clones for too long.'

'You i-idiot!' Catra suddenly said, she started shaking, something was wrong and she could feel it. Why was Sparkles here? And her friends...And Adora. No no no, this is what she wanted to avoid from happening, why did she always have to be a hero?! Why was it like this? It wasn't fair, nothing was fair to Catra, and why couldn't it be? She just wanted one good thing, she wanted to do one good thing and she did. But this is how the universe repaid her once in a lifetime action? It wasn't fair, but then again, it was never fair for her.

Adora left her, Shadow Weaver, Entrapta and Scorpia. Hell, even Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio were done with her and took off. No, enough of this stupid thinking.

She didn't remember what happened after she was taken to Prime, she got flashes though, a green pool of liquid, the clones chanting with Prime, a snarky grin on his face as she begged to be let out. And then she blacked out, she couldn't control herself like she used to, something was wrong and she had to warn Glimmer.

'Sparkles, you s-shouldn't have come back. I can feel it, they're coming. I don't feel like myself, please get away. Now.' The feline almost demanded, almost. If it weren't for the wretched feeling of her throat being stung, not again, please not again. This was even worse than the pool, worse than the clones beating her down. She pushed Glimmer under her bed as soon as she heard footsteps coming towards them, her throat pulsed in pain, but she wouldn't let Glimmer know about it, they could both see a clone walking over to her prison, speeding up as he saw one of his own on the floor.

'Oh no.' Catra thought, she had to cover this up quickly, or maybe she could fight him. The chip on her neck didn't have full control of her yet, she doubted she had much time left before the virus attacked her body to control her. But she tackled the clone, swinging round on its shoulders and kicking it onto the floor, she brought her claws out and stabbed the neck of the clone. She could hear Glimmer screaming but she screamed back, 'Don't you dare move!! Where's Adora?' She watched Glimmer as she spoke. Her eyes went wide and her ears dropped, Adora was always stupid. She knew that but she didn't know she could be that stupid.

'With Prime.'

Until today. Her face twisted into fear at the sound of his name, but the feeling in her throat was too much, it was repulsive. The petals spilled out all at once, too many came out since she was holding it all in. Glimmer scrambled out of the bed as Catra clenched her hands around her throat, she was choking up petals and blood, like last time. Her fit lasted for a short bit, her chip slowly giving her back control. It was a wild guess, but maybe her sickness was slowing down the invasion of Prime's virus. It was a dumb thought, she could feel Prime trying to get back into control.

She helped Glimmer up and wiped her face, giving a tight hug, 'Get to where Entrapta is.' She started to sprint away before Glimmer yelled at her, 'No no no Catra! Where are you going?!' Catra didn't even stop, she just kept sprinting and replied with a strained shout.

'To Adora.'

Catra's Closure Where stories live. Discover now