Just a Sore Throat

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Hi um, this is a She-Ra fanfiction idea I've been playing around with, out of many.

Catra didn't always notice how her throat burned when she was in battle. Being the Force Captain she was, she put everything else aside to complete her battles. It was a difficult thing to deal with, however, when she took notice when she went back to the Fright Zone. It was a stinging pain really, like thorns has blossomed in her stomach, climbing up. Sometimes, she thought that it would come out of her for real, like it wasn't just a bad cough, but if something else would come up, and she feared that day.

Scorpia and Entrapta both left her, it's not like she really cared; she was destined to be alone, and she honestly didn't mind it that much. Catra could do things herself, the way she wanted to, but if she could take control of anything, it wouldn't be Etheria. It wouldn't be seeing the damned Rebellion on their knees, it wouldn't be Hordak surrendering his power, or Shadow Weaver being kind. It wouldn't even be to annihilate She-Ra once and for all, it would be to get rid of that damned pain in her throat, it was just that annoying. Maybe not annoying, irritating or stupid, it was just something that held her back when she was off of the battlefield. She sometimes begged herself to think that it'll pass eventually, but she knew that was already a hopeless cause, this stupid thing has been bothering her ever since Adora left.

Adora. Maybe she did this to her, as She-Ra, as payback for not going with her to join the Rebellion. No, no Adora wouldn't do that, would she? They had been friends since they were kids, they had been best friends, best friends wouldn't do that to each other, especially not Adora. Unless, this wasn't only about her not joining the Rebellion, what if it was because of all the other times as well? The other times where Catra has screwed up by hurting Adora; scratching her, kicking her, shouting and never apologizing to her. She never said sorry, not to anyone, not even to Adora.

It broke her down, when everyone left her, she just didn't want anyone to find out. When she told Scorpia she was useless, when she knocked out Entrapta, they tolerated her and she took advantage of it. Only after Scorpia left her did she realize how bad she was and it tore her to pieces, she had a breakdown, throwing her mask off and gripping at her tufts of hair, letting the tears stream down. She truly knew she was alone now, Double Trouble very vividly and unforgettably reminding her, exposing her personality, her terrible, ruthless, hated personality. She tried to build herself up again, but she gave up when she saw Glimmer, she prayed that she would end her. She was good at getting out of situations, remarkably good and everybody knew it, so Glimmer was surprised when she wasn't running away, when she wanted death. But it wasn't long before the Heart of Etheria was activated, and everything was a blur after that, but she knew that she was an 'esteemed guest' aboard Horde Prime's ship.

She coughed again, a violent, loud cough that was so bad it could probably leave a scar in her throat. She hated it so much, she just wanted to end it, but she continued to walk away into the halls of the ship. It was so mechanical, the smell of metal and the feeling of ice whenever she touched the walls, it wasn't anything like Etheria, like Brightnoon, or even the Horde. This was so much more advanced her old home, it wasn't dirty or disorganized, it was so much better than that, but that's what you get when you boast being the supreme conquering overlord. She eventually walked over to Glimmer's cell, seeing the green barrier revealing the prisoner. She was hunched in a ball, sitting upright hugging her knees with her face filled with sorrow, even Catra knew that. So she approached her. 'And how are you, Sparkles? Lonely?' She smirked, a smug smirk that wasn't reciprocated, because her intended target never raised her head. Glimmer couldn't even see her, but the fact she managed to turn her head further away from Catra was hurting. 'You don't sound so happy yourself.' Glimmer replied, Catra felt envious somehow, wasn't Sparkles scared of what could happen to her if she disobeyed Prime? If she disrespected him? It irritated her to no end, she scoffed, 'I don't know if you noticed, but I'm the one free and you're the prisoner here!'

Another cough.

Glimmer perked her head up, hearing Catra's violent coughs, 'Catra..?' But no one responded, just coughs and splutters. Glimmer wouldn't say she was worried for her enemy, maybe just concerned because she didn't know what was going on.

'Little sister.' A clone of Prime appeared and walks up to the screen, making it transparent as he held a platter of (unrecognizable) food. 'What are you doing here?' He finishes, Catra gripping her throat and leaning against a wall. Damn it, no not here, not now! Catra pleaded her brain to shut up her throat, but it was too late, 'Just m-making sure the prisoner was there, she was..quiet.' She responded, trying to bullshit her response. 'Very well.' The clone answered, leaving the two alone and the screen transparent. Catra fell to her knees, she knew something was coming up, even her enemy was worried at this point, she knew her name was being called out.

Blood and flowers.

What was this? Thorns came out of her throat, petals too. Catra couldn't tell if the petals were naturally red of dyed due to her blood. Tears flew out of her eyes, the pain was unbearable, she held the petals in her hand, there was too much. She looked at Glimmer, 'Catra! What's happening to you?!' The look Catra saw in her eyes, it was pure horror, even concern. Catra tried to growl, she tried to speak but her throat stopped her. No, she wouldn't be held back by her own body, she screamed as loud as she could, a fragile voice erupting.

'Shut up! Don't pretend to care, you don't know anything!!' And with that, Catra ran. Ran far away, away from everyone.

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