Chapter 1: Helpless

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Part 1

Lothal. A peaceful planet based in the outer rim. I was 3 years old at the time when the empire infiltrated my planet. This is where my life ended and began at the same time.

Me, my parents and my brother were on the market, searching for some groceries. Our planted was wealthy and was based in the middle of a trade route. My parents had good friends all around time, I didn't know what was happening at the time. People in white armor everywhere, guarding the local security bases. We were only allowed to walk in the publics area, outside the factories and military bases. The white armored people decided what we could do and eat, every day again. This was all I every had known. My parents weren't glad about this, they thought that the white armored people ruined their lives.

While walking, I was looking at the people all around me. All different species doing their own thing. Talking, drinking, laughing. If you looking into some hidden allays, people were trading spice. Long ago had the Pykes a spice plantation, but not since the Republic arrived, the was transformed eventually in an Empire.

I stopped for a second. I saw a boy with dark hair and brown/green eyes. Alone, with his mom. Beginning for money. ''Please, officer! We don't have any food. You took our farm, my husband, where did he go?'' the women yelled. ''Your husband was a traitor against our precious Empire. You should've known better than working with fugitives, hiding because they where afraid to got caught by the Empire'' The officer said back to the poor women. ''It was a mistake.'' The women cried softly. ''It wont happen again. Please, I can't raise my child on my own. I don't even have a job''

''LIRA'' my mother yelled. ''Are you coming, dear?'' I walked toward my mother and hold her hand. ''This women is in trouble' I said to my mother. ''We have to help her.'' ''We can't help everyone, Lira'' My mother said. ''But you always saying that we must help those in need'' I told my mother. Mother laughed. ''Yes, dear. That's right. But right now I need help my family. If we help this woman right now, there's a chance that we get captured as well. You understand?'' My mother said while smiling. I nodded.

''Have we got everything we need?'' My mother asked my dad. ''Yes, we need to get home soon before it gets dark. I have the feeling something isn't right. There are to many stormtroopers in the area'' My father said. ''Lets get home right away, I don't want to attract more attention'' I heard my mother said. "What's going on?'' My 7 year old brother asked. ''Nothing, Honey. We're going home. I'll make your favorite food!'' My mother told my brother. ''Oh! Yeah!''

My brother was always happy. He was selfless and had no fear for anyone or anything. He was my big example. I protected him and he protected me. We were pretty close. I remember playing with him all the time. Also I was bullied a lot by the kids in our neighborhood. He always told them to back off. I did the same for him. People always told me that I was crazy or different. That's why I never fitted in. There weren't kinds around here who looked like me at the time. I liked to play with the boys and pretending to be shooting at each other or fighting with sticks. I likes playing with my brother and his friends. The girls never liked me.

We got home from the market. ''Kids, I need you to go upstairs for a few minutes. I'll call you when you can get back'' My father told us. ''Why?'' I asked. ''Let's go, Lira'' My brother said while grabbing my arm. My mother smiled at us while we were walking upstairs.

My brother and I were sitting in his room. ''Wanna know what they're saying?'' He asked. ''It's rude to listen to other people conversations'' I replied. ''Yes, but aren't you curious about what they're saying? I mean, it's been 10 minutes almost and they're still not done. Besides, I'm hungry'' He said. I laughed. ''Okay then''

We were on the hallway and listening from the stairs what they were saying... ''This can't be good'' My father said to a man. It was Morad Sumar, a friend from my parents. ''You can't send the transmissions any longer, they will capture you'' Mister Sumar said. ''We are aware of the consequences'' My mother said. ''Yeah, but who else is rising up against the Empire. They're taking over planets, our planets'' My father angry said while whispering. ''The Republic is gone. You have to accept it. If the Empire find out what you are doing, they'll capture you or worse, kill you'' Mister Sumar told my parents. ''In these dark times people need hope. Hope is all we need right now, hope that things will be better. That's how we'll help the people'' My mother said. ''I know you're trying to do the right thing, but you have to think about your kids, what about them?'' Mister Sumar asked my parents. ''We're only thinking about our kids. They need a future. They can't have one while the Empire is still here'' My father said. I could sense a little fear in his voice. Morad Sumar took a step back. ' 'They captured the sanator. You need to hide. If he betrays you, the Empire will transfer you to prison. I should watch out if I were you. If you need me, you know where to find me'' Mister Sumer said. ''Thank you, for everything. Really'' My mother said. ''No problem. Goodnight and take care'' Mister Sumar said. ''You too'' My father told him back.

My brother and I walked down stairs. ''What's going on?'' I asked. ''Nothing. I've made some food for you. It's on the kitchen table'' My mom replied. My brother and I then walked towards the kitchen table and begun to ate our food. Suddenly we heard a loud noise from the door. My father looked at my brother and me and said ''Go to the basement, now!'' My brother and I then run to the table and opened up a shutter. There was a ladder leading to the basement. My brother and I then closed the shutter and sat down.

It was quiet for a minute. Then, we heard a loud noise. Like blaster shots. My mother then screamed through a com device to run. The device was connected to a stereo in the basement for emergencies. My Brother and opened a door that lead to a secret tunnel under the city. ''Lira, come!'' He screamed. A moment later we were running as hard as we could. It was all going so fast. We then climbed up a latter that led to the outside world. We opened the door and ran through the borders of the city. Stormtroopers coming and chasing us. ''We have to split up'' My brother said. ''I don't think that's a good idea" I told him back. We stopped running. My brother then handed me some kind of flashlight. ''Dad told me to use this if there was danger. Turned it on and I'll find you'' He said. ''I'm scared'' I told him while shaking. ''I know, it's all gonna be OK. I promise'' He replied. I nodded.

We then splitted up and I was running toward the outside city to the open lawn. Suddenly a stormtrooper came from behind and tackled me. ''LET ME GO!'' I screamed. I was helpless. The stormtrooper then slapped me in the face. ''I've got the girl'' he said into a com device. I got angry. ''No'' I said. I could feel the blood streaming through my veins. The anger growing inside me. '''NOO!'' and with all my power I pushed him away with a force I've never known before. It was powerful and strong. I stood up. I looked to the stormtrooper. He was dead. His body trapped in an iron spike from the fence of a home just inside the cities border.

I was speechless. More stormtrooper incoming. They were speechless as well. ''She did this?'' One of the stormtroopers asked worried. I was frozen. Tears in my eyes. ''Take her in'' The commander told the other stormstroopers. They then putted handcuffs on my wrist. A moment later flown a battle shuttle down the lawn where I was standing on my knees, looking at the grass of Lothal. The same officer that I saw early today stepped out of the shuttle. He looked at me and grinned. ''Take her to the inquisitor. He'll knows what to do with her'' The officer said. I looked at him in anger, but stayed quiet. ''Take her away'' He said with a smile.

For one last time I looked at the city of my planet while we were heading off. I suddenly saw my brother on the roof. He saw everything. He looked with fear to the battle shuttle. I quietly said ''I'm sorry''. I saw the fear in his eyes, not for the Empire, but for me. Then the shuttle flown swiftly away.

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