Chapter 4: Damaged

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I woke up seeing a medical droid scanning me. I shock and pushed the droid away. ''Hey, hey, it's OK. You're fine'' A voice said next to me. ''We brought you into safety'' It was the leader of the commando's I met earlier. ''Thank you'' I said softly. ''Are you Ok?'' I asked. ''Yes I am'' He replied. ''99 died and we're getting our exam soon.'' ''I'm so sorry'' I replied. ''Not about you and you're squad getting the exams, because that's great! But about 99.'' The clone laughed. ''Thank you."

''Bad Batch to the training facility, please. I repeat ''Bad Batch to the training facility.'' A voice said through the speakers. ''You've gotta go I see'' I said. ''Yeah, I think so too'' The clone replied. ''I guess I see you later?'' He asked. ''Yeah, absolutely'' I replied. The clone then walked away.

A few days past and eventually I got green light to leave the Med Bay. I'm sleeping with some other clones in a recovery room where sometimes the droids scan to see how were doing and recover. There I met Hardcase, another trooper in training, soon being transferred to the 501st. ''So what's your problem?'' The clone asked me. ''What do you mean?'' I asked. ''Well, what are you doing here, are you a clone?'' He replied. I laughed. ''No I'm not a clone, haha. I was stapped with a sword.'' ''Nice! I got shot in my stomach, twice'' The clone replied enthusiastic. ''Good job!'' I replied while smirking. ''I'm Lira.'' ''I'm CT-9415, but my friends call me Hardcase'' He replied. ''Nice to meet you Hardcase'' I said.

''Are you sure you're not a clone?'' Hardcase asked. ''I think so, why do you asked?'' I replied. ''Because of the numbers on your arm, 1910'' He said. ''That's the birth number I got. Since clones have one, I wanted one as well'' I replied. ''That's sweet, but also your face. It looks a little ''cloney''. If it wasn't for me, I would've thought you were the female Jango Fett'' He said. I smirked again ''I see that as compliment, I guess.'' ''Well it is one, I can say you're one of us'' Hardcase said. ''Thank you'' I replied. ''You're defective, aren't you?'' I asked Hardcase. ''Kind a. I've had a leak in my growth acceleration chamber, that's why I'm hyperactive, I guess'' Hardcase replied. ''I like you'' I said. Hardcase smiled.

''Would Lira please come to the training facility? I repeat, would Lira please come to the training facility?'' I heard through the speakers. ''That's my que'' I said. ''See you later, Hardcase'' and I walked away.

''You wanted to see me?'' I asked Shaak Ti. ''Yes, Lira how's your shoulder?'' She asked. ''It's better, but recovered yet'' I replied. ''Well, I have tasked for you. The Jedi council wants to know how strong you are. ''why?'' I asked. ''They want to know what you can do. How strong you are, where your place is. They're curious about your abilities'' Shaak Ti replied. ''I understand'' I said. ''good now go downstairs and wait for further orders'' Shaak Ti told me. I nodded.

I waited under the training platform for the elevator to come up. ''Let her in'' a voice said through the speakers. The elevator began to lift up. Once I got on the training platform I saw all bunch of droids. "If you're hurting you stop. The task is to defeat as many droids you can'' Shaak Ti shouted. I nodded. ''Sir, yes, sir'' I whispered .

The droids activated. My hair and eyes turned navy blue again. I could feel the power rushing through my veins. My lightsabers appearing in my hand, ready for a fight. ''Wait!'' Shaak Ti shouted. ''No real lightsabers. We don't want to damage the facility completely." ''Then what can I use?'' I asked? ''Use your mind and physical body'' She replied. ''Ugh... this is gonna be fun'' I thought to myself. ''Begin!''

Droids where shooting from every direction. I tried to make a shield formed from the force. I dodges all of the attacks. ''wait'' I thought by myself. ''They are using real fire!'' I looked to Shaak Ti in shock, Nala Se stood right next to her. Shaak Ti nodded. ''I can do this'' I thought by myself ''The force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is.''

I used the force to dodge every attack. I did a flip and hit every target. I hit every droid I saw. At that moment The Bad Batch came in and stood next to Shaak Ti. ''What's going on?'' Hunter asked. ''We're testing Lira's capabilities'' Shaak Ti said. ''Why?'' He asked confused, knowing never jedi had every done this before. ''She may be dangerous for the safety of the Republic'' Shaak Ti replied. ''Dangerous? What do you mean with dangerous? Hunter asked. ''Don't you know she isn't from here?'' Shaak Ti replied. Hunter looked confused. The rest of The Bad Batch thinking of what could be going on.

I jumped from block to block and got onto a droid his back. I used his blaster as a weapon. Suddenly, A droid came from behind. He shot me, on my shoulder. A cry left my body. I fell on the ground. I got up and made an energy field around my body. A powerful force damaged all the droids and they all deactivated.

''You're exams will happen take place tomorrow morning'' she told The Bad Batch. Shaak Ti then walked away. Nala Se was surprised to see what she saw. Such a power, never seen before. Although she would later inject that power into the young adult she saw now.

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