Chapter 2: Scarred

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11 years later. Or should I say 24 years earlier.

Kamino. Known for the production of clones and his watery surface. The Separatist just started to invade cloning facility on Kamino. I, together with Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Shaak Ti, were giving the orders to protect the facility of Kamino.

I didn't had my own battalion, simple because I don't belong here. If someone needs my help, I'm here. That's how the jedi arranged it. If it wasn't for discovery of the portal between the world between worlds I wouldn't even be here. I would die. I can transfer myself to other timelines or multiverses, all because of the Empire.

''Lira'' Someone said behind me. I turned around. It was Fives. ''What is it?'' I asked him. ''Anakin is looking for you. He's in the main hanger'' He said. ''Thank you, I'll find him'' I replied. Fives smiled. I then ran to the main hangar of Kamino. ''You asked for me?'' I asked Anakin. ''Yes, I need you to guard the clones in training. The separatists are on his way'' Anakin replied. ''How will the Separatist even try to infiltrated Kamino? I mean it's well guarded and it doesn't make any sense. It's suicide'' I said. ''True, but we can't lose the cloning facility. We first have to know what their plan is'' He replied. ''What will you do?'' I ask. ''I'm having all the fun and shoot down some droids'' he said. ''Good luck, Skywalker'' I said. ''Don't break anything will you?'' he told me. I grinned.

I was heading to the safety room of kamino, where all the clones in training were. Suddenly I heard a loud blast. I saw Rex running to the main entrance. "Rex! What's going on?'' I asked. ''The Separatist are invading us from the depths. They're already here, in the water'' He replied and ran away. ''How could this happen I thought''.

I began to run to the room when I suddenly saw a few people arguing. ''Wrecker leave it, we have to go now!'' One of the people said. ''What's going on?'' I asked. ''Nothing, we were on our way to the safety room, but something got in the way. We'll go now'' One of the four said. ''What do you need?'' I asked. ''I just need to grab my Lula!'' One they call Wrecker said. ''Get it quick'' I told him. He nodded.

Suddenly I saw Assaj Ventress. I stopped. ''Ah, another jedi pet. How nice'' She said. I stood my ground and my chestnut brown hair turned blue. My eyes brown/green eyes did the same. ''A celestial? What such powerful creature as yourself is doing here, serving some Republic'' Ventress said. "Go'' I told the people I just met. ''Wait in one of the barracks."

"You used to serve the Republic yourself'' I said to Assaj Ventress. ''How would you know that?'' Ventress asked. ''I know more than that you could ever imagine'' I said. Assajj Ventress then activate her red bladed lightsabers. I grapped mine two White/Blue lightsabers and attacked her. I'm no jedi. I never was. I don't agree with rules of the jedi order. I follow the will of the force.

Ventress and me were dueling. My lightsabers against hers. When I got my chance I kicked her and she fell on the ground. She slipped her leg on the ground and trampled me. We got up. ''A celestial is a power of the force, you're human. How?'' Ventress asked. I then attacked her with one of my lightsabers and the fight continued. Suddenly I got a flashback.

9 years ago

I was 6 at the time. I was in service of the Empire for almost 3 years. They train you like machines. I was an assassin in training, trained by the grand inquisitor, Imperial Commandos and bounty hunters. They teach you everything about the dark side of the force. They brainwash you with a chip hidden in you neck. I was trained with a bunch of other girls, some older, some the same age. If you did something wrong, they'll torcher you or worse, kill you. Most of the trainings took place on Mustafar, but sometimes we visited the planet Wayland, were I was at the time.

One day I was training and the emperor visited us. We were under the leadership of the grand inquisitor and another inquisitor named, Jerec. I was sparring with some other girl in the training room. Her name was Samon. She was taking from her family too. We were pretty close, we had lot in common. Well at least that was used to be, until the Emperor showed up one day together with Darth Vader. ''I want that one'' The emperor said while pointing at me. ''good choice'' the grand inquisitor said. Samon looked at me while the emperor took me away.

He took me to a lab with Kaminoans. One of the head scientist, Nala Se, walked towards me. ''The specimen is ready'' She told the emperor. ''Good, very good. Let the procedure begin'' The emperor said. ''There's a chance she might die'' Nala Se said. ''We have to try it'' The emperor said. Nala Se took my hand and laid me on a bed. She tied me up so I wouldn't move or get away. ''This will sting a little'' She said.

The next thing I remember was a bunch of needles in my body and hearing the screams of my voice. After that I faded. A few moments later awoke. I heard voices all around me. '''Her vitals are stable'' someone said. ''It's beautiful. Such hatred, such power.'' I opened my eyes. Everything was hurting. I broke myself free from the ties. I felt so much power. I stood up and tried to force choke the emperor. '''' he told me. So I did. I had to agree with every order of the emperor, because of the chip. You have no control. ''she'll be a an excellent assassin'' he said.

Back in the moment

Suddenly I felt something sting in my shoulder. It was Ventress her lightsaber. ''such a shame'' She said. I passed out.

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