Chapter 3: Shattered

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I was lying in the hallway for a couple of minutes now. Suddenly I heard ''Get her up, now!'' A clone yelled. I tried to open my eyes, but it was all blurry. Luckily I could see who it was. Cody and the one called Wrecker. They dragged me into one of the barracks. ''Get me a stim, quickly!'' Cody yelled. Suddenly I felt less pain. I could see clear again. I looked around the surrounding I was in and noticed that I was in the barrack of the clones I met minutes ago. ''Wait...'' I said. ''You're clones?'' ''Yes, technically we're defective clones with desirable mutations, that's why we look different.'' ''Shut up, Tech. Give her a minute'' One of the clones said. ''Cody, I need you outside, now'' Rex said to Cody's commlink. ''I've to go'' ''You guys, take care of her'' Cody said. One of the clones nodded. Cody then ran away. 

 ''We need to get her to a Med bay'' One of the clones said. ''They'll kill us'' One of them said. ''It's OK'' I replied. ''I've been through worse.'' They looked worried at me. ''You're crazy'' one said while sniggering. Suddenly was the pain back. I moaned. ''We are running out of time'' One of commando's said. I fainted again.

''How are we getting her to the Med Bay with all those droids?'' Wrecker said. ''We've done it before. Remember your training. Plan 49'' Hunter replied. ''It's still suicide'' Crosshair said. ''She did the same for us'' Hunter replied. ''ugh, fine'' Crosshair said. ''Gear up, boys. We're going in.

''Wrecker, get Lira and when you see some droids, blast them'' Hunter said. ''Tech, find their weakness and try to hack them. And Crosshair...'' ''I know" Crosshair replied. Hunter nodded. ''Remember your training, Bad Batch. We're going in'' Hunter told them.

The Bad Batch then went to the hallway, searching for droids. They were ready. Soon, very soon they graduate. Crosshair fired on all the droids he saw, never misses. Wrecker blasted and punched all the droids on his way with me on his back. Hunter led his squad to victory and killed evert droid with his knife, trying to let Lira be unharmed. And Tech, Hacked an infiltrator droid, without him the bad batch would be less successful to bring Lira to the Med Bay.

When they arrived at the Med Bay, they gave Lira to Medical Clone Troopers for further care. The Bad Batch stayed with Lira till she would wake up. Eventually the Separatists retreated due the victory of the Republic.

Cody came into the Med Bay. ''How is she?'' Cody asked The Bad Batch. ''She's doing better, but won't recover soon probably'' Hunter said. ''I've bad news'' Cody said. ''99 died.'' It was quiet for a second. ''He died honorably. In the end he was a real soldier'' Cody added. ''That's good to hear'' Hunter said sadly. ''I also have good news'' Cody said. ''I told the Kaminoans what you've done and you're ready for your exams!'' The Bad Batch looked at each other. ''Thank you, commander. It means a lot'' Hunter said. ''You deserved it'' Cody told The Bad Batch. Cody then walked away to eventually promote Echo and Fives to ARC troopers.

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