He's Gone

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Korean dictionary:

Hyung = The word is literally translated as "older brother." It can be used to refer to older male relatives like a cousin, or just a close friend as well.

Have fun reading, loves!


"I'm so, so, so, sorry hyung, I really am." Taemin apologized and stuttered to explain himself after Key had been having the biggest tantrum. 

"I didn't know much about Jonghyun's condition before I went to the bathroom where I accidently ran into one of the doctors on the hallway." Taemin explained Key there had been completely mute since they had been asked to leave the hospital room Jonghyun was in. "That's why it took me so long. I swear I didn't know it before. I-I didn't mean to..."

Key had just been starring completely empty into the air as Taemin did everything possible to explain the whole story he had gotten from the doctor, because sadly, none of them had seen this incident coming... not even a little.

"The doctor told me the sleeping was helping our hyung recovering, but if he slept too long it could damage his brain in multiply ways. And then... Then I asked: Why can't we just wake him up?" The youngest smiled the sadly along with a dry laugh. "Because that's what Onew hyung thought we could do, since no one had told him differently."

Key had gotten himself too lost in his own thoughts to even pay attention to Taemin's long explanation. All he could think of was what there was going to happen now? The only reason he would wake up and go to bed without crying and harming himself was Jonghyun... but he was gone now.

"But then the doctor told me that a person in such a deep sleep was dangerous to wake and-"

How would anything ever be the same again? Jonghyun was gone. He was not the same and probably never would be.

"I wanted to stop you for waking him, but... it was too late." Taemin's voice cracked as Key snapped himself out of his head.

"Taemin? No, no, no." He spoke up as he hurried to the boy's side. "It's not your fault, you didn't know."

"But I did..." The boy suddenly broke down in tears. "I could had stopped you, but I didn't run fast enough. It's all my fault."

Key looked taken aback as he watched Taemin cry into his hands. Never in his life had he seen the other boy cry, never. And no way he wanted him to cry over something there defiantly wasn't his fault.

Without thinking twice Key pulled the boy into his embrace as he tried to calm the other with a caring hand there went up and down the boy's back; That's how he had seen Jonghyun take care of Onew one night when he was crying about his ex-girlfriend, and surprisingly enough... it worked.

Taemin had stopped crying after a while and then it was only a few sniff sounds there came from the boy. Key quietly rested his head on top of the boy's shoulder while doing small circling movements with his palm to calm the other.

"Shs... It's not your fault, Onew didn't know it either. I didn't even know anything at all. If it's anyone's fault it's the doctors, okay?" He told in a low voice as he kept his best friend close.

The crying boy had become silent as he wiped his sleeve across his face to remove all the tears he had been crying the last long time.

"... Will our hyung be okay?"

Key felt his throat lock... Would Jonghyun be okay? He didn't know. What should he tell? He didn't want to tell Taemin that Jonghyun's memory loss was permanent. But then again, he didn't even know himself if it was or not? No one had told them anything, which was the whole reason for this mess.

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