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Korean dictionary:

Hyung = The word is literally translated as "older brother." It can be used to refer to older male relatives like a cousin, or just a close friend as well.

Mwo = What?

Have fun reading, Blingers!


It was another cold day of December and Key was spending the day with Taemin. It was weekend and he had gotten up way before Jonghyun so it was only the two of them.

At home Onew and Jonghyun had slept most of the day away simple because they were some lazy-heads who enjoyed having weekend. And now they finally got the chance to sleep because there wasn't anyone around to scold them for it... Cough Key, cough.

Surprisingly the first one who woke up was Jonghyun as he got up to get dressed. He hadn't been up for more than 20 minutes before he was bored without having Key by his side... The addicting to the boy was real.

"Hyung..." Jonghyun said quietly before walking into Onew's dark bedroom.

"Just 2 minutes more." Onew let out in a moan as he shifted in bed so his back was facing the other.

Jonghyun just chuckled as he got seated on the bed. He knew Onew loved sleep... especially with that broken heart of his he was recovering from at the moment; which also was the reason he wanted to spend time with the older instead of finding Taemin and Key.

"I'm bored." Jonghyun let out as he tugged on the end of Onew's duvet.

"Find Key..." The other mumbled amused about the boy's words.

Jonghyun was such a kid. He was so easily bored as well as entertained. He was lazy like the teenager he was, but if he got started on something he also had enough passion to finish the work. And right now his "work" was to get his hyung out of bed.

"But Key left a note saying he's with Taemin." Jonghyun pouted.

A smile tugged on Onew's lips as he turned around to face the other. He found it funny how much Jonghyun and Key depended on each other, especially lately. He literally had to do his best every day to keep his teasing words to himself, because apparently he could see Jonghyun's love for the boy more obviously than anyone else.

"Okay, what do you want to do then?" He eventually gave in.

"I don't know." Jonghyun smiled happy about the other's decision.

"Well, then you can come with me. I need to buy some Christmas presents." Onew replied as he got seated while stretching his arms over his head. "Key has already bought all of us presents, so we are far behind."

"He has?" Jonghyun asked in disbelief. "Then what are we waiting for old man. Get up!"

Onew just laughed as he watched his friend hurry out of the bedroom. Whenever something was about Key it was easily to get Jonghyun to do something... His "passion" for the boy seemed to speak louder than anything else these days.

~~~~The mall~~~~

"What are you going to buy for Key?" Jonghyun asked for the millionth time.

"You aren't allowed to take my idea." Onew chuckled as he watched the other pout in reply.

"But I have like NO idea what to give him?" Jonghyun told as he let out a frustrated gulp of air before turning to Onew with a sneaky smile. "But you know what he gives me... right?"

Smile With Me (JongKey-Fanfiction) [BOYxBOY]Where stories live. Discover now