What now?

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Korean dictionary:

Hyung = The word is literally translated as "older brother." It can be used to refer to older male relatives like a cousin, or just a close friends as well.  

Ya = Hey!

Have fun reading, loves!


The day had went horrible... Getting to Jonghyun had been harder than to apply eyeliner in the dark.

Sighing to himself, Key handed over some money as he smiled while wishing a costumer a good day... but the smile faded as soon as the costumer left, leaving him alone with all of his worries about the memory lost boy.

Key knew the boy didn't remember anything, but he didn't know it would turn the boy colder than a block of ice. Honestly, talking to Jonghyun had been like talking to a wall.

The memory lost boy had been so busy with his phone and offending Key's every move, that the younger had felt the need to lock himself up in the yogurt shop's bathroom.


It had now been hours since, but the horrible feeling had still not disappeared.

The clock had finally hit 9PM, which meant Key had to close down the store, as Onew wished to close the store earlier on holidays.

Ironically enough, Key just wanted to work as long as possible, if it meant he didn't have to be in the same room as Jonghyun... but sadly that was not the case.

Closing, locking, and turning everything in the store off, Key began to take off his smock as he went behind the counter to hang it beside the others'. 

Standing with his smock in his hands, he found himself staring at Jonghyun's as his eyes studied the big letters saying: "BLINGER."

He clearly remembered how he and Jonghyun had been fooling around with glitter, just getting it all over the floor. How they had laughing and had fun with decorating, even when Onew had forced them to clean it all up again.

Smiling in the dark, Key shook his head as if it would help him stop daydreaming. Maybe Jonghyun had lost his memory, but at least Key still had some good memories to cling himself onto.

... Or maybe that was what made it all harder?

Finally hanging his smock on the hook, Key turned around, as he quietly went upstairs to the others.

When he entered he had tried his best to be quiet, as he had noticed his hyung sleeping on the couch. Smiling slightly at the view, Key approached the living room area, as he took the TV remote, turning the TV off, before taking one of the blankets from the couch arm. He then hovered over the older while covering his body, not wanting him to freeze or get sick.

"Goodnight hyung. Please rest well." The boy let out, after turning the lights off and making his way towards the room next door.

Hesitating opening the door - just enough to peak in - Key spotted Jonghyun... but what was he doing?

Looking closer, Key realized that the other was sitting with his brown photo book. The same photo book Jonghyun had given Key right before he lost his memory.

But what was he looking at? Key hadn't had the opportunity to take any pictures with his new camera, so it had to be empty... right?

Watching from afar, Jonghyun sat quietly with his back to the door while turning one empty page after another.

Smile With Me (JongKey-Fanfiction) [BOYxBOY]Where stories live. Discover now