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Korean dictionary:

Hyung = The word is literally translated as "older brother." It can be used to refer to older male relatives like a cousin, or just a close friend as well. 

Have fun reading, lovelies!


A few hours had passed, and it was now night. Jonghyun was standing confused in his room, not quite sure what to do with himself.

His roommate Key had left to go talk with the eldest named Onew, and something about closing down the store... Honestly he hadn't paid much attention when the younger was talking, since his head was hurting as if someone had hit him with a brick.

His headache had been there all day, but ever since Key made him watch TV while they were eating dinner... it had gone even further downhill.

Looking around in the room, Jonghyun felt his eyes become as heavy as his head. A yawn escaped his pink lips as he ran a hand through his hair.

He quietly began to walk around in the room; looking for nothing special. His tired eyes roamed over all the stuff in the room, as he wondered how he could have forgotten all of this.

His gaze landed on a white desk, there was placed in front of the biggest window in the room. The window went all the way down to the floor, along with its white see-through curtains.

Despite how white and modern the room looked; there seemed to be a lot of personal stuff on the desk.

There was a tiny mirror there looked like it could be folded into a pocket. Then there was what looked like a homemade pencil holder, a few anime figures, poloraid pictures, three books and lots of papers there was organized into colorful folders.

Getting curious, Jonghyun went closer as he bends down to firstly grab one of the books. The book was thick, and didn't really seem to hold any text on the cover to indicate that it held a story inside. He studied it closer, as he turned it upside down... but there was nothing on it.

As it didn't really give him any answers, he finally ended up opening it as his eyes was greeted by a Christmas card.

The card was red and looked like it was cut out and stickered onto the first page of the book - by someone else than the person who made the book. It looked very handmade, but still quite pretty.

Reading the big, clumsy letters there was obviously written with a marker, Jonghyun blinked confused at the words.

"You've always saved beautiful moments, even though you haven't had lots of them yourself. So here's to create some new and even better memories - B."

B? Who was B? What did B stand for? Jonghyun questioned himself, when he heard his roommate right outside the door.

"Goodnight to you too hyung. Sleep well!"

Jonghyun hurried to close the book before returning it to its rightful spot again, just in time for the other to walk in.

"Oh, you're still awake?" The boy in the doorway let out, as he put a hand to his head before the other could even reply. "Oh, I'm sorry. Of course you can't go to bed without knowing where all your stuff is. Come, I will show you." He smiled as he made his way into the next room - the bathroom, if Jonghyun remembered correctly from the little apartment tour.

"So the black toothbrush is yours," The boy told as he pointed to a cup with two toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste, "The towels in the right closet are yours and your nightwear is in a box by the nightstand by the bed."

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