We Were Worried

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Korean dictionary:

Hyung = The word is literally translated as "older brother." It can be used to refer to older male relatives like a cousin, or just a close friends as well.

Have fun reading, cupcakes!


"We've been looking everywhere!" Taemin let out annoyed, simply covering up the fact that he was really scared of what might had happened to their friend. "And do someone want to explain to me why we looked for him at a food corner?" The boy asked, his eyes judging the two others who were stuffing their faces with chicken and sandwich.

Both Jonghyun and Onew hurried to avoid the piercing glare they were receiving, which caused Taemin to sigh loudly while throwing his hands around in the air.

"Why would he even go out without telling us? I swear, if I find him..."

"Hey, hey." Onew butted in while speaking with food in his mouth. "You said it yourself, he's clever."

"Well, he certainly is clever enough to not speak with his entire mouth full." The younger shot fire, normally causing every hyung to throw a tantrum - but Onew knew that they were all just under a lot of pressure.

"You guys complain too much." The memory lost boy suddenly spoke up, making Taemin's dark eyes move from Onew to him.

"Oh, really? Then what are you suggesting? It's not like you've helped with anything so far."

"Hold your fire, boy." Jonghyun let out careless. "Why don't we just ask that boy over there, he looks like someone who could be friends with your man."

Rolling his eyes of the other, Taemin turned his head to ignore the boy, only to look across the street where he saw the boy Jonghyun had pointed at.

"Kibum-ah!" He yelled happily as he ran onto the big road.

"Taemin!" They all yelled as they watched a car make its way towards the youngest in full speed.

Key ran as fast as he could towards Taemin, grabbing out for his arm from where he was, pulling him so hard towards himself that they both fell onto the pavement, almost rolling into the bushes.

"Are you insane boy?!" Key gasped for air, his heart beating uncontrollably from the sudden adrenaline kick as Taemin hugged Key as tight as possible.

"I thought something bad had happened to you hyung... I'm so glad you're okay," The younger smiled into the fabric of Key's winter jacket.

"Me?" Key questioned confused as he took his eyes away from the boy on his chest. Looking up, Key saw the two others from across the street, Onew sitting on his knees, his hand placed over his heart while Jonghyun slowly ran a hand up and down Onew's back.

"You mean... you came here, because of me?" Key asked, his eyes finding the boy who didn't seem to want to let him go any time soon.

"Of course," Taemin let out as he tightened his hold around the other, "We've been looking for you all day."

Key looked surprised at the younger, his thoughts being all over the place while trying to focus on what the other was saying... not Jonghyun's lost memory, his mother's return from the hospital or Onew's troubles... only Taemin.

"But I don't understand," Key breathed heavily, his arms still around the younger while speaking. "Why would you be so worried about... me?"

"What do you mean?'' Taemin asked, as he looked up at the other for the first time since they hit the ground. "You're so meaningful to us all, of course we worry, that's what people who love each other do."


"Omo, you guys are going to be sick if you keep lying on the ground." Onew who had finally collected himself said as he helped the two up. "I don't know if you've noticed it, but there's snow all over the place... Come on, let's go home and get changed into something dry."

~~~~The apartment~~~~

Jonghyun were now sitting in the living room, Onew making the youngest something warm to drink while the two others were getting changed into something new.

The first person who came into the living room was Key. He had a towel in his hand, continuously running it over his head to dry his wet hair - which was hanging down so beautifully, framing his face and making his brown eyes stand out even more.

"Ah, did you find some clothes for Taemin?" The oldest asked from the kitchen, making Key smirk underneath the towel.

"Of course, that's what friends are for." The boy replied, apparently amused by something.

Suddenly a voice sounded from the bedroom next door: "I'm not going to show myself in this, hyung!"

Onew just chuckled, hopelessly giving up on even asking what the boy had done, because he knew very well that Key was a tease.

"Ow, come on... Your cute butt looks hot in that outfit." Key let out, causing Jonghyun's eyes to widen by the boy's choice of words.

Slowly coming out from the bedroom, Taemin walked hesitating into the living room, head low while stabbing his friend with his killer gaze.

"Aw, I've never seen so much pink in my entire life!" Onew squealed playfully. "You're so cute!"

"I'm out." Taemin replied coldly, almost turning around before Key grabbed the boy by the arm.

"Oh shut it. Your body almost looks better than mine." Key chuckled. "Almost."

"Stop stripping me with your eyes!" The younger yelled in that adorable-mad-attitude that no one ever took seriously. "Is this a punishment for me running out on the road earlier? Because if it is, I'm going to go back in time."

"Stop fooling around," Key laughed loudly before pulling the other into his side, "I just... it's the only clean clothes I got, I swear."

"Swear my butt." Taemin snapped before turning his eyes towards Onew. "He's lying, right hyung?"

Onew just raised his hands innocently into the air, before turning his back to the younger.

"Aish... Maybe I should be the next person to run away."

"Forget it child, I don't want you to get sick." Onew commented, as he made his way over to the others with a plate of warm drinks.

"Aw, thank you so much hyung." Key smiled while reaching out to get his cup.

"Thanks." The memory lost boy mumbled.

"Mm, it smells delicious." Taemin replied, smile suddenly very evident when he realized he hadn't gotten coffee or tea, but it was chocolate milk. "Ooo, heart chokulet!" The boy squealed excited, which caused the other guys to smile.

"Huh... Will you look at that," Onew let out as he looked at the adorable boy, "It's not the pink outfit there gives the cute-factor."

"Hyuuung!" Taemin blushed red as he grabbed a blanket to cover his legs with, only making the others laugh in amusement.


Eeello guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated for long (I would say it was because of exams, but let's be honest... it was because I saw SHINee live at KCON and I just went into a state of ?=)(/&%¤#}€$£ after that.)

And I'm here to answer the biggest question, every Shawol asks: Yes, SHINee are indeed real... AND EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL, SWEET AND TALENTED IN PERSON - CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

*Breaks down for another month just by the thought of SHINee and KCON.*

= Take these apology chapters and know I'm finally on vacation, so I hope I can update more for you. Thanks to those who has waited and always comment and leave lots of support \(^U^/)

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