Blood, Bruises & Cuts

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Korean dictionary:

Maknae = It means the youngest.

Arasso = It means "okay" or "understood."

Annyeong = Hi.

Have fun reading, lockets!


A whole month had passed.

Key had for once enjoyed someone else's presence but his own lonely bobble. He had even gotten really close with Jonghyun and another boy from the school called Taemin.

Jonghyun on the other hand had improved his skills in school as Key had been helping him with his homework. And not only had Jonghyun been busy with school, but he had gotten himself a job which he was actually pretty happy about.

The two was talking about the boy's new work as Taemin approached the cafeteria table they were sitting at.

"Annyeong, hyung one and two." He giggled.

"Annyeong, Taeby." Key smiled.

Yeah, he had actually been smiling with his new friends and then it weren't even fake.

"Hey, Tae." Jonghyun said as he eyed Key's smile... it looked so beautiful.

"What are you talking about?" Taemin asked as he got seated with his tray.

"Just Jonghyun's new job." Key replied as he gave Taemin the extra straw he always brought with him to the table, since Taemin always forgot to bring one himself.

"Ah, thank you." Taemin blushed as he took the straw.

"You're addicted to that stuff." Jonghyun said as he nodded his head towards Taemin's banana milk.

"It's my favorite drink... I can't help it." The youngest mumbled in embarrassment which caused the other two to chuckle.

"Ah, I forgot some salt." Taemin let out as he took his tray, got up from his seat, only to walk directly into another student.

All the food had made its way to a tall student's shirt as ketchup ran from the neck out cut and all the way down on the floor.

Everyone turned their attention to the food mess which caused Taemin to shake nervously as he hurried to wipe the ketchup off the other's shirt with his hands.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry! I didn't mean to-" He stuttered as he got cut of by the taller student who took him by the collar.

"You better clean this mess up!" The dark haired boy growled in a deep voice which caused Taemin to shiver.

Taemin nodded his head fast as the other put him down. He then hurried to take some paper towels as he began to wipe everything up.

Everyone was laughing at the young boy which caused Key's anger to boil. He had been bullied all his life and if there was something he wouldn't let slip by; it had to be to see someone else be the victim.

Key got up, walked straight towards the two, pulled Taemin up from the floor as he hit the tall boy over the nose; which caused a loud crack that could be heard in the whole cafeteria.

Everyone had let out a loud gasp as silence fell upon everyone not even a second later. The ketchup victim let a hand touch his nose as he looked at all the blood. It was broken alright.

He then looked down on Key with cold eyes as he growled ones again: "You..." He began as he turned his hand into a fist. "You are going to regret this so badly." He threatened as he pushed Key up against the wall.

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