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Let's just say in this timeline, Izana is still the 8th generation leader of the Black Dragons together with Kakucho since I don't know exactly the year when these two joined the gang and Izana becomes the leader.

Warning: Cussing. Profanities. Long prologue.

SOMEWHERE IN Shibuya District, Japan

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SOMEWHERE IN Shibuya District, Japan. June, 2003.

"Bye, bye!"

"See you tomorrow, Akari-chan!"

12-year-old Hanagaki Akari gleefully waved her hand at her friends as they went their separate ways after a club activity at their school. The young girl decided to go to a convenience store first and buy herself a box of her favorite Taiyaki before heading back home. The said store was only a few blocks away from her school and can be reached on foot. She was skipping and humming a tune of her favorite song while crossing the road when huge drops of rain started to pour down in torrents.

"Shit, no," she muttered in worry and began to make a run of it. She put her school bag on top of her head as her frantic blue eyes scanned left and right, looking for the nearest shelter. Luckily, she saw a waiting shed nearby for her to stay in temporarily until the rain stopped.

However, the weather seemed to be not in her favor at all as the rain decided to fall even harder as minutes went by. Akari mentally slapped her forehead when she only recalled just now about her damn umbrella which she stupidly left behind at the shoe lockers in school.

How could she forget to bring the most important thing in the world of all days?

Ugh. Cursed this stupid rain! The weather forecast earlier lied about having a bright sunny day today.

30 minutes had passed.

Akari puffed her cheeks in annoyance and hugged her bag tightly as she impatiently tapped her foot on the wet ground. She checked out the time on her watch again and frowned deeply as it was almost six in the evening. The sky was awfully getting darker too with no visible stars due to heavy downpour. She can no longer go to the store now, much to her disappointment. She had to go home straight away, otherwise, her aunt will be worried sick.

But how on earth could she do that when the rain itself won't stop pouring? She'll only get wet in the process along with her bag which had a lot of school stuff inside. She might even get sick.

Just great.

Maybe calling her aunt was her best option. Right, she'll do that. She roamed her eyes at her surroundings. With all the rain and nightfall arising, she could barely see anything. Was there even a telephone booth nearby for her to use? If only she had a flip phone just like her close friend, Yori, it won't be a problem for her. She'll probably ask her uncle to buy her one some other time.

Akari's body shivered as she felt a gush of cold breeze penetrate her skin, making her tighten her hold on her bag. Wasn't there any slightest chance this rain will be over soon? But judging from the looks of how bad the weather was, guess it won't, huh?

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