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Thank you for the 10k reads! This is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Warning: Cussing. Profanities.

'WHAT IS Mocchi-san doing in Shibuya?'

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'WHAT IS Mocchi-san doing in Shibuya?'

Akari was lost in thought.

She was walking aimlessly across the pedestrian lane amidst the crowd with Mikey on her side. They were now on their way back home as it was nearing dark. She promised Chiako she'll be home by dinner thus, she cannot be late. She didn't want her aunt to get worried.

However, that was the least of her concerns right now because her thoughts were on Mochizuki. She was still trying to figure out the reason why the brusque male was at the shopping district earlier.

What about Izana? Did he know? Was he the one who ordered Mochizuki to follow her around like some sort of a watchful bodyguard and ready to jump in just in case someone tried to hurt her? But why would he do that?

Was he not confident enough in her fighting skills? Did he not trust her wholly? Wasn't he the one who suggested she needed to learn how to become adept at fighting just for the sole purpose of protecting herself?

Was Izana worried that much for her safety? Or maybe, there could be other probable reasons. For instance, his gang-related matters or other shady businesses if he had any. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen Mochizuki or even Kakucho ever since Izana came back to Yokohama. Were they up to something?


Akari was snapped out of her reverie when Mikey grabbed her forearm all of a sudden and pulled her roughly close to him as he dragged her toward the other side of the road. Her ears heard a loud engine roar just behind her.

The short blonde instinctively caught her in his arms as she stumbled forward and shielded her petite body with his in a protective manner. He shot down a glance at her, his face masked with concern. "You okay?" he asked.

Akari met his worried gaze and nodded lightly, her hands clutching his shirt. She was still a bit shocked and a tad confused at the same time as she had no clue what just transpired. Afterward, she looked over her shoulders with her blue eyes scanning around their surrounding area. She saw nothing out of the ordinary except for the nosy bystanders here and there. "What on earth happened?"

"You almost got hit by an overspeeding motorbike," Mikey explained to her. "I have to move you out of the way because you've been zoning out for a while now, Aka-chin. I'm sorry if I pulled you too harshly."

"No, it's fine. You did the right thing. I should be the one to apologize for not minding my surroundings." She untangled herself from the teen male and took a step backward. She smiled at him gratefully. "Thanking you for saving me back there, Mikey-kun."

He gave her a soft smile in return. "No biggie, Aka-chin," he said, patting her shoulder. "It was actually the biker's fault. Not yours. The traffic light was still red yet, he chose to ignore the traffic rules and went ahead. That person could've injured someone because of his recklessness."

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