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I changed Misaki's age to 20 instead of 25. It was a mistake on my part. I apologized. New chapter ahead.

Author's Note: Cussing. Profanities. A little bit of a tear-jerker. Blood. Violence. Sexual assault. Murder.

If you are sensitive and feel extremely uncomfortable, I advise you not to read this chapter.

I already warned you.

The italicized words were part of Akari's past.

"CARE TO TELL me what the actual fuck just happened back there, Akari? Who is that woman in the photo?"

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"CARE TO TELL me what the actual fuck just happened back there, Akari? Who is that woman in the photo?"

Akari pursed her lips and only shook her head in response to Izana's grim question, whose fever miraculously subsided for some time now, as the bleach-blonde male started to interrogate her while they were now inside her bedroom and both were sitting on her bed facing each other. She was hugging her knees with her face hidden in between, refusing to speak a word to him. It was already late at night and the rainstorm didn't seem to end soon, rather, it was getting a lot fiercer that she could hear the whistling of the harsh cold wind outside and the continuous rattling of the window in her room.

Izana sighed in exasperation. "Akari, no more secrets. We've been like this for over an hour. How am I supposed to help you if you're acting like this? I don't even know what the hell is going on with you!"

She only answered him with another silence.


"No," she mouthed in a whisper, tears starting to wield behind her eyelids again. "I-I can't. I just can't." She wished to tell Izana to leave her the hell alone, but the thought of that man coming to her apartment and leaving a small box in front of her doorstep with a picture of her sister's murdered body inside, made her change her mind. She was rather grateful to have him here, knowing the fact she wasn't alone. Otherwise, she would've pretty much lost her sanity already.

"Why are you being such a stubborn brat? I'm just trying to help you."

"I'm not asking you to help me, Iza-san. I... I don't need anyone's help. I'm sorry... Please no more asking..." she pleaded in a muffled voice. She was scared. She was scared to tell him the truth. She didn't want him to get involved in her mess. She can't afford to lose him too. The secret she had kept for years must remain hidden. It was better this way.

She felt a shift on her bed. "Alright. I won't force you to answer me anything," Izana finally stated. "But at the very least, let me see your face."

Akari did as she was told and slowly raised her head to face him. She was taken aback to see how close he was already to her and attempted to put some distance between them, only for Izana to seize her arm. She frantically looked in another direction and tried to yank her arm away from him, but the older teen didn't allow her and tightened his grip on her. "Let go, Iza-san!"

The Boss Queen (Izana Kurokawa) COMPLETED 👑Where stories live. Discover now