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Sorry for not updating soon. Been busy lately. Happy reading! :)

Warning: Lot of cussings. Profanities. Mention of violence. Anger issues.

A FEW DAYS had passed

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A FEW DAYS had passed.

"Welcome back to school, Akari-chan! You don't know how much I missed you!!!"

"I-I can't breathe! Y-you're squishing me too hard, N-Nana-chan!" Akari wheezed in a strained voice and repeatedly tapped her friend's back. Nanami suddenly greeted her with a bone-crashing hug the moment she entered their classroom, squeezing her petite body in an exaggerated manner. They didn't walk together to school since Akari still had difficulty walking long distances due to her injury.

Izana was the one who dropped her off using his motorbike, only near the school gate so as to not gain any attention from the passing students. The older teen told her he'll pick her up later after her last class and reminded her not to do anything stupid while in school.

That jerk. What the heck was that supposed to mean? Why was he acting like a dad again? She's not a kid anymore for crying out loud.

Nanami quickly let her go. "Oops, sorry. I can't help it. It's so lonely here without you," she reasoned out, teary-eyed. 

"Geez, I thought you are planning to break my bones for real. At least, let me have my seat first." Akari went to her seat with Nanami following behind her, only to be surprised at the mountain of sweets occupying the top of her desk. She sweatdropped. "Ah, what is all this?" she asked curiously to her friend, pointing her index finger at her overloaded table. What's with the free snacks?

"Oh, that? You've been absent for a week. Everyone here misses you," Nanami replied in simpleton, giving her a meaningful smile.

Akari's forehead creased in puzzlement at the brunette's vague answer. She just dismissed it and shrugged off her shoulders. "O-okay...? How thoughtful of them then." Who on earth is this everyone? Was it their classmates? Schoolmates? Or must be the members of the softball club? They were pampering her too much whoever they were. What was she going to do with all of these anyway? She can't eat them all by herself. Maybe she could just share them with Izana after school?

Nanami's gaze fell on her casted ankle after they both took their seats. Her expression softened. "How's your injury?" she asked worriedly.

Akari placed her crutches beside her desk and put all of the given sweets inside her school bag. "It hurt a little bit when I tried to move my foot. Nonetheless, I'm fine. Thanks for the concern," she stated. "My doctor said she'll replace the cast with a brace this week if my ankle gets better. But I still need to use my crutches for support."

"I see. That's good news, right? But you haven't told me the reason for your injury. What exactly happened to you last week? Do you have an accident?"

Akari was slightly taken aback by the question. How could she give her friend a plausible explanation without getting exposed? Oh, right. She remembered the medical certificate Inoue-sensei gave to her. It was indicated on the paper that she accidentally fell off the stairs at the apartment complex she was staying at and twisted her ankle. That was actually pretty reasonable enough. Ran must've convinced the female doctor to alter the real cause of her injury per se. She didn't know how he managed to pull it off, but both of them had her thanks. Her aunt was also unable to visit her last weekend because she was infected by her cousin's cold and wasn't feeling well ever since. She was grateful but at the same time feel pity for the adult woman.

The Boss Queen (Izana Kurokawa) COMPLETED 👑Where stories live. Discover now