Chapter 7

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We arrived back at Nash and Cam's apartment around 10:30. Not much happened after we kissed in the car. Cam and I sang along to the radio and laughed whenever we messed up. Cameron is ecoming one of my bestfriends and I think he's so funny. I still like Nash though. Something about him puzzles me and I want to know what it is.

Cam opened the door and let me in."I'm going to go change here I'll give you some of my clothes to change into. Or maybe Nash's will fit you better."

I nodded,"That would be great thanks Cam."

We walked up the stairs and he looked through his drawers. There was only one pair of pajamas left in the drawer and he sighed."Man do I have to do my laundry."

I laughed and shook my head. Cam smiled and said,"YOu're going to have to wear some of Nash's sorry Rosie."

"It's all good maybe tomorrow I can help you with your laundry." I teased.

"Ha ha funny. But that would be great I don't even know how to work the washer." He said with a serious look.

"You're kidding."

"Nope. Not at all now scurry along I have to get changed." He joked.

I chuckled,"Jeez I will just be changing in Nash's room then."

I turned and went down the hall to Nash's room. His clothes were everywhere. I don't even know what's clean and what's dirty. I picked up all the clothes from his bed and sorted them into piles. Then I moved to the floor and did the same. 

Cam came in and said,"Hey I'm going to go pick up a pizza. I'll be right back."

"Okay good because I am hungry." I laughed

"Well you better not eat all the pizza."

"No promises."

Cameron shook his head,"I'll be back." He walked out and I heard him shut the door downstairs.

I continued to clean Nash's room then put his clothes in drawers. I grabbed a gray sweatshirt and smelled it. It smelt like him and I smiled. No. Stop Rosalie. He's mean to you. Stop. I thought to myself. I sighed and grabbed a pair of red flannel pants and went into his bathroom. I grabbed my phone and texted Cam,"I'll b in the shower" Then I stripped down and got in Nash's shower. He had this fancy shampoo and conditioner. I chuckled. Leave it to Nash to have that. I turned on the warm water and let it run down my body. I washed my hair and rinsed it. Then I got out and dried off. I changed into Nash's clothes, took my phone and walked out.

The moment I stepped out, I smelt pizza. My stomach growled. I practically ran downstairs, hoping for there to be at least one peice left. Cam was sitting at the table about to grab the last one until I snatched it out of his hands. I took a big bite and smirked.

"I was gonna eat that."He said, fake crying.

I smiled "Toooo bad all gone."

"Well then. Oh you can sleep in my bed. I will sleep on the couch."

I felt bad when he said this. I don't like when people treat me better. I know, I'm weird. I just like when people act like it's normal for me to be there."Oh you don't have to sleep on the couch."

"Then where will you sleep?"He asked.

"In your bed."

"Then where will I sleep?"

"In your bed."

Cameron smiled."Oh."

I nodded I was really tired after today so I walked upstairs. Cameron followed me and I got in his bed. He got in the other side and we faced each other. I just smiled at him for a while before moving closer to him. I cuddled into Cameron and he wrapped his arms around me. I instantly fell asleep.

~~Middle of night~~

I woke up shaking. I turned and saw a guy? Oh yeah, Cameron. I sighed and slid out of his grasp and sat up. The clock on his nightstand read 3:56. I felt my head and it was full of sweat. Wow, that was a really  bad dream. I don't even remember it. All I know now is that I'm scared. I got up and walked downstairs. I found a cup in and got some water from the faucet. I took the water and sat out on their balcony. I silently drank my water and watched the movement outside. I jumped when I heard someone come and sit down next to me.

"You're wearing my clothes and what did you do to my room?"

I turned and faced Nash. I smiled,"Oh just made it look better and your clothes look better on me."

Nash chuckled and took the cup from my hands and drank it.

"I could have ebola you never know." I said, upset that he took my water.

"You do not have ebola."

I shrugged,"Never know. When did you get home?"

"Awhile ago. Did you and Cam..?"

My eyes widened,"Gosh no."

"Oh sorry. Are you taking the part in the movie?"

I shrugged. I liked this Nash. He's being really nice and kind right now and it surprises me. Normally he is mean to me. Wait why was he mean to me in the beginning? I had to know so I asked him,"Nash can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." He said curiously.

"Well when you first saw me, you looked at me with a scowl. Why?"

Nash hesitated, as if choosing what to say."I thought you were one of those slutty fans that wanted to get in my pants or Cams. Clearly I was wrong."

I just nodded, taking this in. If my dad thought I was acting like a slut, he would make me go to some camp or school and make me figure myself out. I used to talk to my dad about everything. My mom and I share a nice bond but not like mine and my dads. He was my closest friend, apart from Alex, Lily, and Luke. And Pete. Oh Pete. I wonder how he's doing. I miss him and his cute little whinnies. Home I miss home. This brings back everything that has happened. The party. I bet people do think I'm a slut. Tears rolled down my cheeks and i didn't bother to stop them. Then I started crying harder and Nash pulled me up into a hug.

"Stop crying I didn't mean what I said. I was clearly mistaken." He brushed the tears with his thumbs.

"It's not that it's home and and and my dad and what happened at the party and everything." I sobbed.

Nash just pulled me tighter and I grabbed his shirt and sniffled into his chest. He walked us inside and sat on the couch. He rubbed circles on my back until I calmed down.

"You know what Nash?"

"Hmm?" He soothed.

"I was wrong about you too."

"What do you mean?"

"I knew you were vine famous but I didn't really like you. I thought you were selfish and stuck up. But I was definitely wrong. You're kind and caring and about the nicest person I know." I beamed at him.

He smiled at me and kissed me. It was the best feeling ever. This kiss counts as real because we both wanted it to happen and neither of us were rude. He pulled away and kissed my cheek. 

"You should go back to bed. Don't upset Cam. Go back in his bed. You have a long day of shooting tomorrow."

"I don't know if I want to do it." I said.

"I already told Mark you were. Now go on. Get some rest." Nash kissed my forehead and I stood up. 

I walked up the stairs and turned back to look at him. He was smiling. I smiled and continued up the stairs. Something vibrated in my pocket and I realized it was my phone. There were 21 texts from Theresa and 7 from Tori. I created a group message and said,"At a friends I'll be busy tomorrow but be home." I sighed and laid back down next to Cam. He put his arm around me and smiled in his sleep.

How will I ever chose between them?


So Chapter 7? Who do you think Rosalie should end up with or will someone else get in the way? There is a lot more unexpected things in the future and thanks for reading! 127 views already that's okay for my first unfinished book right? haha bye!


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