Chapter 16

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It's been a week.

Today's the day that I'm supposed to meet up with Luke. I really don't want to. I love him but in a friend way. Supposedly, Lily and Alex came up with him and I really miss them so I hope they really did.

Despite me worrying about that, the week was pretty uneventful. Cameron and I are still dating. Nash is still my best friend and he understands. Tori and Connor started dating. I didn't tell her anything about what he said to me. I think they are a good couple. Mom, aunt, uncle, Theresa, and Theo came back from Palm Beach yesterday. They apologized for not taking me but they didn't want me to go because I was hurt and the movie is a big deal.

Yeah the movie? Well turns out a lot of people are interested in it so there are many sponsors donating money for the movie. We are all getting paid more to do the movie too. They have already gave me 10 thousand. I am going to get a car so I don't have to walk everywhere.

Oh and that Nathan guy. He did text me two days ago. He asked if I wanted to play soccer with him. I accepted the offer and it turns out Nathan is a good guy. I didn't believe it but he was so nice to me and didn't try anything. We're good friends now with a mutual passion for soccer.

I know, it's a lot that happened in a week. But the truth is, school is starting in one week so people want to patch things up before it starts. I'm kind of nervous if you ask me. I don't like to show emotions so people don't know that. I would get anxiety sometimes at my old school because yes, you guessed it, I was bullied. I'm not sure if I will be in school but I know people have been saying things online. They say I'm too ugly to date Cameron or I'm stupid because Cameron and Nash don't even like me. I try to ignore the hate but it hurts you know?

I sighed and got out of my bed, trying not to wake the sleeping beauty beside me.

Cameron has been spending a lot of time with me lately and I like it. He has slept over almost every night this week.

My mom doesn't care she just says,"Keep it PG," She has never been the parent that really cared. It's ALWAYS been my dad. Man, do I miss him. He still hasn't called but I will wait for him.

I went to my bathroom and changed into the clothes I picked out last night.

It was a blue, flowy crop top and white high-waisted shorts. I plan to wear my red vans too.

When I walked out of my bathroom, Cameron was sitting up.

"Hey there hottie." I called.

He grinned my way and stood up to kiss me.

"Time to meet up with my old friends."

"Oh about that...Turns out two of my friends are up to see Nash and I...So uh can you do dinner tonight so I can introduce you to them?"

I was shocked. Maybe his Magcon friends...I don't know much about his Magcon stuff. I just know he's going on tour when the movie's over.

"Sure. My friends are staying until tomorrow so I'll spend the day with them tomorrow."

"Okay thanks Rosie. I'll see you later. Love you." Cam kissed me and left.

Where is my phone? I frantically looked about until I felt something vibrate in my pocket.

Oh my gosh. Wow, I'm stupid.

I got a text from Lily: We're at your door Rosie!!!

I squealed. I was so excited. I sprinted down the stairs.

Oh and if you didn't know, I'm all healed now from the incident. A bit sore every once in a while but all good.

I opened the door and all three of them were there. I screamed and they pounced on me, squeezing the life out.

The Start of Something New ~#1~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now