Chapter 19

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(The director's name is Mark. So Luke's dad's name is Mark Brown not Marcus sorry.)

Well first of all my director is Luke's dad?

Second of all Cameron's there with his dad...

I didn't want them to meet like this and as far as I know, Cam doesn't know about Luke.

"Is everything okay?" Luke asked, taking me out of my daze.

"Oh yeah."

"I'll give you the address."

"No need."

"Really?" He seemed shocked.

"Yeah, uh turns out he's my director."

"Wow. Never thought about that."

We made it to the movie set and I got out of my car, following Luke.

When we walked inside, Mark opened his arms to hug Luke.

"I see you've met my star." Mark said to Luke.

"Actually we've known each other since back in South Carolina." Luke told him.

"Huh. Well then. Cameron's here Rosalie if you want to see him." Mark implied.

"Oh yeah, I'll go find him."I quickly said.

"Cameron as in your new boyfriend?" Luke asked me.

Oh great.

"Uh yep. That'd be him."

"Wait did you two date or something?" Mark asked.

"Sure did. Might still get back together huh?" Luke nudged me.

All the blood drained from my face when I saw Cam and a man walk in. Probably his dad.

"Hey?" Cam said to me.


"Cameron is it?" Luke held out his hand to shake it with Cam.

"And you are?" Cameron asked him.

"Luke. Luke Brown."

"I'll be right back Luke. Then we'll grab dinner. Come on Clark let's collaborate." Mark said to Cam's dad.

Cameron kissed me then turned back to Luke. "You're Mark's son?"

"Yep and Rosie's boyfriend."

Why is he going on with this? I told him we were done when I left to live here. Also, Cam is right next to me.

"Excuse me?" Cameron raised his voice.

"Cam..." I said, trying to calm him.

"Who is he really?" Cam asked me.

"He is my EX but still one of my friends. Now he is moving here with his dad." I told him.

"I see." Cameron glared at Luke.

Luke smirked at him.

"Goodbye Luke. I'll see you when I see you. Maybe you can date Theresa?" I said walking away and dragging Cam with me.

When we were outside Cam said,"I don't like him."

I chuckled."It's fine I love you." I kissed him.

"OOH guess what?!" I screamed at him getting excited.

"Woah what?" He asked.

"I got a car." I sang.

"Oh my god you did? I wanna see!" He whined.

The Start of Something New ~#1~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now