Chapter 9

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There is going to be violence in this chapter. I'm not going to rate it mature so I am warning you first. If you don't want the violence then don't read past the part where he introduces Clayton. It will recap and such in the next chapter. k bye

I made my way back to the set, only getting lost twice! I walked back into my dressing room and Ayisha was sitting down, eating Chinese food. She looked up, noticing me.

"How was your lunch, cherry pie?"

I laugh."Just peachy, jelly bean. What am I wearing for the date scene?"

Yeah there's a date scene. Multiple actually. I'm starting to believe this is a love story but I'm told it's a drama. Whatever.

"Oh it's quite pretty actually." Ayisha states as she takes out a gorgeous lace blue dress.

I gasped and took it from her to put on. When I looked in the mirror, it was absolutely amazing. I smiled

Ayisha did my hair and makeup thenvI went out to the set. There was Mike and some other dude. He was kinda attractive. The guy had short brown hair and brown eyes. He looked around Cameron's age. I walked over to Mike and greeted him.

"Looking even better than this morning Rosalie!" He said as he hugged me.

I smiled."Thanks Mike. You're not too bad yourself."

He really isn't. I don't know if I really thought about Mike but he has blonde hair and blue eyes. He's pretty hot but he's also 25.

Mike nodded at the guy standing next to him."This is Clayton. He will be playing the part of Dylan."

In the movie Dylan is the guy that tries to hit on me and starts a fight between Nash and Cam.(Anthony and Robert/ Alyssa is Rosie)

I nodded and gave a polite smile."Hi Clayton I'm Rosalie."

He smiled.

Mike said,"Wait here until Nash and Cameron are done. I'll be back." And with that he left.

Clayton walked closer to me and smirked. I looked at him funny, what's his problem? He inched closer until we were practically touching. Well this is awkward. I started walking away and he slapped my butt. I whipped around and looked at him.

"Oh hell no. That was uncalled for." I yelled.

"Shh you know you like it."He cooed getting closer again.

I backed away."Stop now."

"Why?" Clayton got even closer and soon I backed up against the wall. Where was everyone? Come on somebody help.

I went to open my mouth until he clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Wanna hear a secret?" He whispered in my ear.

I shook my head and he still whispered in my ear."I'm not really Clayton. I'm someone else Clayton is in my van. Wanna join him?"

I screamed and he slapped me. I grabbed my face and startedd to silently cry. Someone please help. I kicked him and started to run. I saw Nash and yelled out of relief."Na--" I was cut off when something hit my head and I dropped to the floor.

The last thing I saw was Nash's eyes go wide.

Haha not a cliffhanger just keep reading.

I woke up in a hotel room? Well then. I went to get up but head was pounding. There was someone tied up laying next to me. I assume this was the actual Clayton. They did look a lot alike. This guy and the fake Clayton. I wasn't tied up for some reason and turned to untie him. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see me for some reason. I ripped the duct tape off his mouth and he winced.

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