Chapter 12

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~~Rosalie POV~~

I turned my head the tiniest bit and felt pain. I shot up on the couch. Someone put a blanket over me. I pushed it off and stood up. My phone was in the pocket of Cams sweatshirt that I was wearing. I turned it on. 5 a.m. There were a whole bunch of texts from Connor, Tori, and Theresa. What did Connor want? I unlocked my phone and scrolled through the texts with Connor. "I'm so sorry." "Please forgive me" "I didn't mean it" Were all the ones he sent. I sighed. I'm not sure that I want to talk to him for a while. I need to shower. I smell terrible of vomit and beer. I crept up to Cameron's room. He was sound asleep. I made my way to his closet and took out some clothes for me to change into. I went to his bathroom and undressed to take a shower.

I couldn't help but be disappointed to see not one of my best friends had called or texted. What about my dad too? Ugh my ribs hurt so bad right now and my cast is stupid. I'm getting it off this morning before I go to the movie set. I washed and rinsed myself then got out. I changed into the clothes I brought in. I have no brush here so my hair will have to stay a blonde tangled mess. I walked out and Cam was still sound asleep. I smiled. Man do I love him. It's now 6:30 and my appointment is at 7. I don't want to wake him but I need someone to drive me. I don't remember what happened with Nash but I'm pretty sure something did and I don't want to bother with him.

I sat down on the bed and gently shook Cam."Cam?" I whispered. My voice sounded desperate but he immediately woke up.

"Hey Rosie." He said sleepily.

"Uh I didn't want wake you it's just that I have an appointment for my cast to be taken off and I was wondering if you can take me?" I asked.

"Oh yeah of course." He said getting up."I'm just going to change and I'll be downstairs."

"Okay thank you."

I walked out of his room and closed the door. When I walked down the hall to the stairs, I bumped into Nash.

"Oh uh sorry." I mumbled, passing him.


I turned around to face him.

"You are who I thought you were." Nash said, firm.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You're a slut that just wants to gt in Cams pants." He snapped.

I was so taken back that my mouth gaped open. That felt like a slap to the face. A hard slap. Tears started streaming down my face.

Cameron came out and closed the door behind him. He saw my face and asked,"Hey what's going on?"

"Nothing." I choked out, wiping the tears. "Let's go."

Cam gave Nash a look and he just shrugged. Then he followed behind me and we walked to his car.


So far the ride has been quiet. We haven't said much to each other. I remember everything that happened and it sucks. I was so stupid what is wrong with me? I wanted to let it all of my chest and I don't care if Cameron breaks up with me because of what I tell him and what I did. I just need to tell someone.

"Uh Cam?"


"Well first of all I am so sorry about last night and everything I put you through. I-"

He cut me off."Rosie-"

"Just let me explain. My whole life back home was miss goody two shoes I did everything right and everyone knew I did. My friends were my friends since kindergarten and I didn't make anymore after that. I was too 'country' for people to like. My dad guided me through almost everything and when he didn't my horse was there for me. Now here I am in LA but I'm living with new cousins and meeting people and new things that I never have been around before. My dad hasn't called yet and neither have my friends. I've been kidnapped and it feels terrible. I hurt so bad but I keep lying to not only other people but myself. I feel like I can't do this anymore and people are even calling me a slut." I breathed out, sobbing

The Start of Something New ~#1~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now