Chapter 15

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The person calling was Luke. Wow... Out of all my friends, he would be the first to call.

"Uh hello?"

"Rosie? Hey I know it may be kinda late but I miss you." Luke said.

"Oh yeah it's pretty late here." Was all I said.

"I've been thinking...Maybe we can get back together?"

What? Why would he even suggest that? We live thousands of miles away.

"I don't know, Luke. I mean we live too far away from each other."

"Well what if I tell you that I'm coming to LA in a week?"

"Um that's cool but I'll be busy."

"Yeah I heard you are in that movie and you got kidnapped?"

"Yeah I did and I appreciate you calling Luke, I do, but I have to go."

"Okay, I love you." Luke said before I hung up.

I sighed.

"Who was it?" Nash asked beside me.

"My ex. He wants to get back together and no I would never get back with him while I'm dating someone else."

Nash nodded."Okay let's make the you tube video. I'll tweet it as an #AskNashandRosalie."

"Okay. I'm going to change out of this dress and wipe some make up off." I said, walking to Cameron's bathroom.

I bet he'll be at the banquet for a while. I'm not going to break up with him yet. I'll give him another chance.

Once I was changed, Nash already set up his camera and was ready to go.

"So did we get a lot of questions?" I asked when I jumped on his bed.

"We actually did. Apparently people like you." Nash teased.

"Shut up." I shoved him and he laughed.

"Just start the video."

Nash turned on the camera and sat back down.

"Hey guys what's up? I haven't made a video lately because of things but this is Rosalie. We just got back from the banquet for *The Swoogity Diaries*"

I waved and smiled.

"We are going to do an ask Nash and Rosalie.I tweeted it a little while ago and we are going to ask some of the questions." Nash finished.

I took his phone and asked him the first question. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you so ugly, I mean you have the talent but not the looks.?"

Nash looked at his phone and frowned.Then he looked up and smiled.

"I guess I'm just ugly then. Put me in the ugly world record book I'll be number 1."

I laughed. Man, Nash can be so funny sometimes.

"Next question for Rosalie. Why aren't you dating Nash? You two would be a great couple."

I looked at Nash and he looked at me.

"I don't know. Maybe because he doesn't like sour gummy worms." I teased him.

He chuckled and shrugged.

"Okay for Nash. Who do you think is hotter Rosalie or yourself?"

"Don't you dare say it." I warned him.

He smirked before saying,"Myself."

I pounced on him and pushed him so he was laying on his stomach. Then I sat on his back.

The Start of Something New ~#1~ (N.G./C.D.)Where stories live. Discover now