L!Wilbur CG!Quackity

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L!Wilbur CG!Quackity

CW: mention of blood, being shot with an arrow, description of a panic attack, cursing (censored)

Nicknames:bud, buddy

The sun hung high in the sky shining down on Las Nevadas, encasing it in a golden glow. Quackity strolled down the streets of Las Nevadas having finished with paper work for the day. He stood at the entrance of the needle, looking up at its glory, smiling at the place he had built. Walking inside he noticed the time, exactly a minute before his usual run in with Wilbur.

He made his way to their usual meeting spot, waiting for the brunettes' arrival. He checked his pocket watch, the revived man was late. He was never late, he would never miss out on annoying Quackity. The duck hybrid stood there for another five minutes before he noticed the other slowly stumbling with an arrow hanging out of his shoulder. Quackity ran over to the other man and started helping him to his needle so he could tend to the others' injury. As they walked the ravenette could hear the taller quietly mumbling the word 'sorry' over and over again under his breath, the ravenette quickly shushed him before setting him down on a stool before running off to get his first aid kit.

Quackity came back to see the revived man with tears running down his face before quickly wiping them away at the sight of the other. The duck hybrid made quick work of removing the arrow and bandaging it up before giving the other an instant health potion. "fanks" was all Wilbur said before Quackity took notice of what was happening, the slurred "sorry" from earlier, the childish wonder his eyes held when looking at his wings and now a small "fanks" , that was all it took for Quackity to release the elder of the two had regressed.

"Hey bud, you alright now?" the nickname throwing Wilbur off a bit, had he let his secret out? panic started to set in, quick and rapid breaths, cowering away from the other trying to curl in on himself to appear smaller. "sh*t" quackity slowly crouched down in front of Wilbur "hey buddy, can you follow my breathing for me? it'll help you big time" he took deep breaths watching as wilbur did the same, copying him until he broke into tears when he messed up, "hey, hey its ok buddy, lets try again ye?"

it took Quackity a while but he eventually got the other to calm down, "hey buddy, i bet youre tired after all that, how about we got take a nap ye?" Wilbur was too tired to care about making a fuss about nap time, he just wanted comfort. After receiving a small nod from the other, the duck hybrid picked him up surprisingly easy and made his way back to his room in the hotel.
------------------------------------------------------------word count: 461

sorry this took so long to get out but ive been revising none stop for exams and my bf literally broke up with me whilst i wrote this so i do apologies for spelling mistakes but i might make a part 2 what do yall think?

If u guys have any requests feel free to comment 'em :]

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