Remembrance is Pain

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Just a friendly reminder this is all FICTION. There will be some explicit sexual content and graphic depictions of violence further along. Read at your own discretion, and I'm apologizing for any typos ahead of time.


Where were we? Oh yes, a tropical shore in Malta. Ryujin snapping photos at Yeji with a film camera while the breeze hugged them warmly.

I am a dishonest narrator for making it appear as if it was over peacefully so soon.

But those two have a lot of unfinished business and grudges that they cannot ignore and hold forever. Well, they probably could had they not been reminded of it rudely.

"Come in, the water is great Ryu!" Yeji said, walking further out into their familiar sea. It was just outside of their house, of course they went in often. Ryujin shook her head and put down the camera with a chuckle.

"Oh, but I don't want to get this robe wet." Ryujin teased, stepping into the water just enough for her feet to get covered by the foamy ends. Yeji pouted and walked up, face to face with Ryujin while clear liquid beads rolled down her body. Her hands wrapped around the raven-haireds waist. She was so perfect. Everything was perfect.

"Then take it off." Yeji said, knowing she had nothing under it. She ran her hand down Ryujin's collarbone, and then inside her robe, running down, down, till she had Ryujin's soft mound under her palm. Ryujin let out a small shaky breath, Yeji always knew how to touch her. The robe was already almost open from the action. "Hmm?" Yeji hummed, questioning but also demanding. Ryujin did as she was told, stripping her fabric and all but running into the water incase anyone happened to be watching. Which wasn't the case, but she felt exposed anyway.

Ryujin closed her eyes for a moment, the salty smell filling her lungs while she relaxed into the blue. The water was fairly clear, and so Yeji was right next to her, almost shielding her in a way. Their hands interlocking for a moment, Ryujin feeling Yeji's smooth ring on that sentimental finger. Ryujin smiled, crunching her other hands fingers together to feel her own. Her mind swooning with the reminder that they were bonded in a precious way. Yeji was really hers, and she was Yeji's.

"See? Feels nice today." Yeji said, gripping onto Ryujin's hips while the waves pushed and pulled them. They were a decent bit out, their heads and shoulders being the only thing out of the water.

"It does feel nice." Ryujin said, looking directly at Yeji as she spoke. She liked knowing she was able to make the older blush even now. She chuckled, wrapping her legs around Yeji's wasit and cupping the brunettes cheeks. They've kissed plenty of times, plenty of ways. It always felt the same. Head-spinning and addicting, they barely stopped to breathe in the water, lips slipping over each other. Their own taste mixing with the salty sea water was a concoction neither wanted to stop making. They needed air at some point though.

"You feel so good baby." Ryujin breathed, Yeji's lips on her neck while those soft angel hands trailed over her body. Ryujin just clung to Yeji's neck, head leaning back while Yeji's thigh moved between her legs. Right where she needed it.

"We shouldn't, not out here." Yeji said, still letting Ryujin shamelessly rub against her thigh, chasing a high she often gave the raven-haired.

"Okay." Ryujin moaned out, almost dunking Yeji's head when she grinded down with a little more force. She then stopped, wanting to avoid any kind of infection. It was the ocean after all. They made their way to land, Ryujin running ahead of Yeji to grab her robe and into then into the house. Yeji giggled, following her to the shower where they resumed their activities.

"I'm so lucky." Yeji said, Ryujin up against the tile while the brunette kissed the inside of her thighs. Ryujin appreciated Yeji's words a lot. Someone saying they were lucky to meet her wasn't something often stated. She didn't think so poorly of herself so much anymore though due to Yeji's constant love and validation. It was quite a process to get where they were today.

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