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Sorry for any typos ahead of time, and for how long it took me to release this chapter, I lost motivation lol so it's a little rushed. Let me know if you liked it, your comments mean everything <3


The pipes were creaky, and it was cold. Yeji felt herself shivering on the mattresses they had on the cramped floors. Ryujin was next to her, sleeping soundly. Yeji couldn't help herself, rolling over and pulling the girl close. She tried her best to avoid her injury, she just needed heat.

"C'mere." Ryujin mumbled, turning over to spoon the older. She pulled her closer, wrapping her up in her arms and intertwining their legs. Moments like this made Yeji swoon, and burn with need for Ryujin. She was so comforting, and her heart beat madly for her.

Yet, Yeji still didn't like the submarine, it made her feel enclosed, made her feel unsafe. Like it would cave in at any moment and swallow her into the sea.

She was grateful their team could find such a place though, she doubts they'll be found easily or quickly.


"Did you figure out where Yuna is being held?" Ryujin asked as Sana walked back onto the ship.

"Mhm. She's in cell ten, sector seven, on the tenth floor." She said, watching Ryujin's shoulders relax a bit.

"We even have a window, a slot, per say, we can get in." Lia added, having been on coms the whole day Sana was at the workplace.

It was a start, a good start. Ryujin felt a little hopeful from the new information. A chance for her to finally redeem herself. It wasn't her fault, per say, yet she still blamed herself.

"When?" Ryujin asked. The raven-haired was eager to help. Cope all she wants, until Yuna was back with them safe and healthy she'd be eaten alive from the inside out.

"Tonight. Ten-thirty exactly." Rosé spoke, watching the worried stares everyone was giving Ryujin.

"Ryujin, I know you won't agree, but you shouldn't go." Chaeryeong said, glancing at the clock. They had exactly one hour.

"I shouldn't go? I shouldn't go?!" Ryujin took a step closer, her eyes seemingly hurt yet filled with ambition. Yeji grasped her arm softly, everyone looking at the floor in shame.

"You're still recovering, and if they get their hands on you, they could inject you again." Chaeryeong explained, Ryujin relaxing slightly. She knew Chaeryeong was right, but she needed to be there to rescue Yuna. She needed to help, she needed to make sure that she got out of there.

"I'm going anyway." Ryujin didn't leave room for negotiation. She walked away then, heading to their room designated for gear. The metal ached under her feet, screws creaking as she walked.

She was quick to suit up, taking a deep breath upon remembering what happened every other time she put the gear on herself. Yeji walked in a moment later, the faded chatting being unheard as she closed the door.

"I want to come with you." Yeji said, starting to pull an extra suit from the hanger. Ryujin turned, wide eyed.


"I don't want you getting hurt, and damn it if something were to happen I better be there to die because I'm not living through what I did before." Yeji's hands were shaky as she spoke, her back, turned to the assassin while she continued to look at the gear. Ryujin came close, resting a hand on her back. "I can't lose you again." Yeji's eyes watered as her once dealt emotions swarmed through her again.

"You won't." Ryujin said, helping her to suit up. "I know I won't be able to stop you from coming, so let's kick some ass okay?" Ryujin said, earning a chuckle from her. She liked it when Yeji laughed, it made any situation better, made the reality more bearable.

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