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I know how I want this to end, but writing up to it is quite tedious. I'll try my best to update soon <3

Yuna had successfully reached the laboratory, and by following Lia's every precise instruction she was right at the case surrounding the one thing that could save Ryujin. Perhaps the whole world too.

Things like that are never quite so simple though, and on her slow way back her coms were cut, another signal blocking her own. She started to panic, and when doors opened, red lights flaring above while loud alarms roared, she ran to the vent. But, she hesitated. For good reason.

"Yuna?" A familiar voice spoke behind her own. Already so close, she turned around to be met with dark browns. Though, she couldn't tell if they were even brown anymore. They appeared black.

"Ryujin! I have the antidote, here you need to come with me I can help you." Yuna said, grabbing her forearm and pulling. She didn't budge. With that, Yuna's heart sank. "Ryu, I know you're in there somewhere." Yuna said, safely storing the container in one of her holsters. She assumed a soft defensive position, she believed she could hold her off until her coms were back on.

I'm right here. Please just inject it now, I don't have time. Ryujin thought, but once again, she had no control, her body moving on command and a mission she was told in the office. Her memory was blurrier with every movement, her own conscious slowly being pushed away.


"Holy shit." Lia said while Yeji and Chaeryeong tried to suit up. They may not be the best when it came to combat, but they could try to stealth their way around and use firearms if necessary. Lia was monitoring the fight, Yuna was getting beat harshly, Ryujin on her with every move, and when she wasn't it was as if nothing hurt her even though the damage was visible.

"Just give up Shin. You aren't leaving here alive." Ryujin said, a bloody smile on her face. Yuna seemed horrified, but she knew it wasn't really Ryujin.

"Likewise, Shin. But I'm not going to kill you. I want to help you." Yuna said, rubbing her arm in pain.

"Silly, more guards are on the way." She chuckled. "And I haven't even used my ability to it's fullest potential." She took a breath, her veins seeming to glow for a moment before she charged, Yuna being thrown into a wall with force. She winced in pain, slumping to the ground.

"Don't. Please." Yuna said, using both of her hands to prevent Ryujin's from giving the final blow. "Don't kill me Ryujin." Yuna pleaded to her, pleaded to whatever being was overtaking Ryujin. Her hands were slapped away.

"Alright princess." Yuna thought with those words she maybe got Ryujin back for a moment, she was never so glad to hear Ryujin call her princess. "I won't kill you, but I will take you." Yuna was too late to block the blow that knocked her unconscious.

Little did Ryujin know, she was able to toss the antidote up the vent when she was looking away...


"Guys, Yuna's been taken." Lia's voice came over coms, Yeji and Chaeryeong becoming even more nervous.

"Ryujin took her." Rosé said, voice shaky. Yeji sighed, sad but pulling herself together. "I don't mean to be rude, but we need to get that antidote secured before we can do anything else." Rosé continued, saying she believed Yuna was able to toss it up the vent. Yeji decided she'd grab that while Chaeryeong tried to make her way to the lab holding all the technology. Try to destroy it.

"Okay. Okay. I got it." Yeji said after much time. Her knees a little sore from crawling in vents. Chaeryeong was able to plant bombs, on the way out they ran and ran. Hoping in the car and driving with adrenaline pumping their viens. It went surprisingly well, part of the building exploding when they got a distance away. Yeji couldn't help but pray Ryujin wasn't in that part. She still had hope.

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