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Waiting, with nothing to do but hope for the best was torture. The clock devouring humane thoughts and turning the ticking swirls of future memory dark. Every one of them was caught with a clouding sense of dread. Of course, they had Ryujin back. Though she was battered and wouldn't be functional for a while, they were somewhat eased by her presence.

However, Yuna was still within the, now, extremely heavily monitored and guarded building. They had no way of telling what could happen, and they certainly didn't want to stir attention incase they threatened to hurt Yuna.

"We're putting together a timeline of everything. Maybe we can use it to our advantage, explain to the public. Even if the government wants that mercury, if all the world knows the truth I don't think it'd be authorized." Sana said, her words an invite for Yeji to help if she pleased. All the brunette has been doing is sitting and taking care of Ryujin. Nobody could blame her though, Yeji was her wife after all.

Love is strange like that...

"Okay, I'll come help." Yeji said, a soft smile before she took her leave from the bedroom.

It took them a few days to organize all the key events that they lived through. Yeji learning more about Ryujin from a time ago during her CEO training years. Ryujin really was a perfect murderer, controlled by malicious people. Yeji considered herself lucky to have lived now, but, even so, she didn't love her any less. She couldn't help feeling for her.

"You shouldn't be walking around so much." Chaeryeong said, being the only one awake so early in the morning to see Ryujin stumble quietly to the kitchen.

"I have to keep my body fit." Ryujin said, grabbing a water and then sitting on one of the bar stools. Chaeryeong looked at her for a moment, the two sitting in silence.

"I can't think of any other way to finish this than to kill Mr. Hwang." Chaeryeong spoke, voice monotonous. Ryujin hummed, sipping the cool liquid.

"Then let's do that." Ryujin spoke, breathing deeply. Chaeryeong sighed, enjoying their conversation even though the topic was dark.

"Remember that time you were asked to rob that one rich lady at a club, one of our first missions." Chaeryeong said, switching their topic and smiling from the memory.

"Ah, didn't even have to rob her." Ryujin laughed. "She paid me nearly everything she had on her just to get me to take her home." Ryujin chuckled, eyes in a distant past. They chatted like that for a while, easing themselves into the comforts of joy. That didn't last long though either.

"...yeah, and then Yuna fell into the test dummy." Chaeryeong said, wiping tears from her laughter. It didn't take long for it to subside, the pair seeming to think the same thing.

Yuna. Who was not with them at the moment, and could suffer a worse fate than Ryujin.

"We'll get her back." Chaeryeong said, watching Ryujin's hand grip tighter around the bottle.

"I know." Ryujin said, a deep determination in her eyes. It was the same from when Ryujin would target anyone. A cold, senseless look filled with vengeance and a need for trouble. That crazed look that often made Chaeryeong happy Ryujin was her friend and not her enemy.

Yeji came out a moment later, rubbing her eyes and blinking at the two. She took a seat next to Ryujin, deciding not to scold her about walking around because she knew Ryujin knew that already. She just politely asked for a sip of water, to which Ryujin eagerly give the bottle.

"I never got a chance to ask." Chaeryeong started, Ryujin looking back at her. "What does it look like, the scar. Is it getting better?" She said, eyebrows scrunched with empathy and concern. Ryujin nodded, pulling down the neck of her sleep shirt to show the mark.

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