Mercury Heart

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Apologies for any typos <3

"A large number of Cycle members have these tattoos that grant them inhuman strength. Care to explain?" Sana said, circling Yuqi who was still very much tied to a chair. A rolling videocamera in front of her. Not that she could see it anyway.

"Boss wanted better fighters, we provided-"

"Don't be dumb." Sana kicked one leg of her chair, startling the girl.

"We needed test subjects to prove that our technology was effective. We're planning on selling it to everyone who has a high price." Yuqi said, not realizing that perhaps she should lie. Then again, she had plans too.

"Little vague for a my liking. You're starting to get on my nerves." Sana said, her teeth clenched.

"Our technology manipulates mercury inside a person's body. Well, modified mercury, that we can harden like steel and soften to a liquid." She said, Sana's eyes widening. "And because we control it and what it does we've managed to make it... for the most part not life threatening." Yuqi took a deep breath, hoping for her life. "Those tattoos are injection spots where the majority of uncirculating mercury is located."

"And?" Sana said, keeping her voice stoic. Ryujin and Yeji walked in a moment later, quietly to observe.

"We needed to kill Yeji to reel Ryujin in. The boss has something against Shin, and he wants to use her for our unreleased technology relating to our current prototype." Yuqi was shaking in her bonds, just wanting her head not to be blown out with a bullet.

"And what might that be?"

"We call it having a steel heart. We inject it straight to the heart, along with new nanotechnology that nearly brainwashes users." Ryujin was fuming as she listened, Yeji running a hand up and down her back.

If this is what Yeji's father has become the raven-haired wouldn't hesitate to murder him too.

"Now... why don't you tell me how to destroy it?" Ryujin suddenly spoke up, everyone else's eyes going wide.

"Well, it's not simple, you have to get into the mainframe and-... Wait a minute you sound familiar." Yuqi paused, smiling for a moment.

Ryujin slapped it off her, leaning down and ripping off her blindfold. She could see the terror in Yuqi's eyes, the shock, and the rather submissive portion of her.

"You were talking so much? Why'd you stop now huh? You were doing quite well." Ryujin said, running her hand down Yuqi's cheek. "It'd be a shame to ruin you."

"I-I never thought I'd see you here Ms. Shin. You know of you returned to the Cycle I'm sure we could give you everything you wanted. Money, sex, drugs even, hell we have plenty of drugs-"

"Cut the crap Yuqi. You tried to kill my wife, and until you answer our questions you won't leave here. And if I find out what you're saying isn't true you'll be leaving here dead." Ryujin chuckled lowly, everyone watching her in horror, but also admiration from how well she was able to manipulate the hostage.

"Inside the mainframe, in the laboratory we've made antidotes that kill and clean the circulating mercury and any nanotechnology injected." Yuqi was trying not to meet Ryujin's eyes, though she found it rather difficult given how close the raven-haired was.

"See, that wasn't so hard was it?" Ryujin said before blindfolding her and gagging her. They left her bound in the closet with the lights off, locked in from the outside.

"Good job now we can't ever let her go. We're going to have to feed her and watch her all the time." Yuna said, knowing that Ryujin busted all their covers.

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