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The pair awed at the performer. He was wielding fire, almost, spinning sticks with the tips aflame like it was no big deal that he could get seriously hurt. Everyone watched with amaze twinkling in their eyes instead of worry. I suppose danger is like that, appealing and exciting. For those that aren't the dare devils anyway.

Yuna, Chaeryeong, Lia, Rosé, and Sana were all at the same party location as them. It was more of an outdoor club than a reservation spot though. Strangers bouncing to the music on the dance floor while speakers blared. Multiple performers a bit aways but not too far on the shore performing tricks. Drinks and mediocre food -that people ate anyway because they were too drunk to realize it wasn't the best- all around the sides. Chairs and blankets on the sand while technicolor lights flashed wildly into the night sky. It was near a prime tourist spot as well, which only made it all the more active.

"You think I could spin fire like that?" Ryujin joked while they walked to grab drinks. Chaeryeong signaling from their three large blankets to grab extra. Ryujin rolled her eyes but complied anyway. Yeji next to her grabbing snacks.

"I mean, you are pretty handy. It wouldn't take long for you to learn." Yeji said with a small smirk, watching the raven-haired perk an eyebrow before they sqeezed through the messy mob of people. They picked a nice spot, far enough away to not be hoarded or interuppted by drunks, but also not too far that way they wouldn't be considered outside the partying cluster. Ryujin sat down on one of the blankets, the sand a nice under cushion. They had a small controlled fire in front of them, little rocks in a circle constraining the flames. She passed drinks to everyone, even Yuna who was now old enough.

"We should play a game." Sana suggested, cringing when she took a whiff of the alcohol. She drank it anyway though, the others following suit. After all, why not get wasted? The atmosphere was perfect to do so.

"Like what?" Rosé said, already drunk, her words slurring funnily.  She had a few drinks before Ryujin brought a stash, and man it showed. The others giggled for a moment. "What's so funny?" Rosé continued, though she laughed as well. Simply because everyone else did.

"I think you should sit this one out." Yuna, who was sitting next to her, said. She then discreetly took her drink from her. She put her hands up in self defense for a moment, as if saying she was in the right for taking away the confusion liquid. Everyone snickered. "Truth or dare?" Yuna said, everyone groaned. Yuna always wanted to play truth or dare.

"Why don't we play blackjack, but no hits, whatever you flip is your total. Person with the total furthest from twenty-one has to drink or dare." Lia suggested, everyone hummed, impressed by such an idea. "Ace can be eleven or one. We can scrap all the other jazz, leave it basic." She said. Yuna agreed as well, and Yeji went to grab a deck from somewhere. She assumed there had to be some kind of shop with cards along the coast nearby to them.

She did find a shop with cards, entering it and quickly looking for a deck. It was a nice little shop, very exotic though. It had a multitude of things, from, snacks to books, to toys, to clothing. It had a lot. It was well designed though, appealing. She went to the counter, pulling out her card to pay when she noticed a familar mark on the cashiers wrist. She froze for a moment.

"Will that be everything ma'am?" She said, covering her wrist with her sleeve quickly. Yeji shook out of her daze, smiling and handing the card.

She was quick to leave that shop.

She was walking rather fast back to their little setup, worry on her face that Ryujin noticed first from a distance. Even in her tipsy state she could tell Yeji was off.

"Something happened." Ryujin said, causing the others to turn and look at Yeji a bit aways still. She looked paranoid.

"She has the cards though. That's good." Chaeryeong said, to which Ryujin hummed in agreeance.

A Mistake to Live With - RyejiWhere stories live. Discover now