Terrible Nostalgia

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"So you're telling me, this girl's arm just started to glow around her tattoo, and suddenly she had superstrength in her arm?" The detective said, unimpressed by Yeji's few, but descriptive words. Ryujin sitting next to her in the hospital room. Yeji was wearing a neck brace, and trying not to talk much since it hurt.

"She's not lying, we could barley restrain her arm." Ryujin said, sparing Yeji's sore vocals. She felt so guilty for not taking the 'coincidences' seriously.

"You'll be fined very shortly-"

"You don't understand what's going on. This is a problem we can't just ignore it!" Ryujin interuppted, standing now, angry.

"Ma'am you need to sit down, and I understand this is traumatic, but you need to think realistically here." The detective said, watching Ryujin sit with a huff, her eyes softened.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have ignored everything." Ryujin mummbled to herself, Yeji heard, a hand going to grasp onto the raven-haireds.

"It's not." Yeji said, voice strained while the detective stood, shaking his head and saying they'd need to talk again to discuss what was going to happen before he left.

Ryujin couldn't put a word on what she was feeling inside. Turmoil and guilt. It was eating her up like a child would eat cake on their birthday. Just looking at Yeji hurt because of her carelessness stung. Yeji would never blame her though.

"Ryujin, it's not your fault. It's the Cycles fault." Yeji said, watching Ryujin let a singular tear fall down those porcelain cheeks.

"We should kill them all." Ryujin said, wiping her eyes and getting lost in the feeling of 'what if'.

What if she killed them, what if she ended the Cycle. What if she was able to do something so blatantly impossible. People can be free, Yeji can be safe. They could be safe.

"Ryu. We can't go in blind." Yeji said, confirming that she was with Ryujin. "You saw what they can do now. They're changing people." Yeji said, eyes scrunching in pain, Ryujin telling her to shush softly, prevent pain.

"I can go back." Ryujin said, looking at the floor. Yeji's hand tightened. "I can go back in and work my way up. I can-"

"No. I'm not letting you get hurt." Yeji talked anyway, even with her vocals hurting. Ryujin was relieved to hear that, but she also knew that there wasn't and easy way to get out of this.

"I won't be alone. I have Sana, and Rosé, Lia, Chaeryeong, Yuna... I have you." Ryujin clarified her thought.

They had a lot to process, and over the course of the week the seven of them stayed at Ryujin's.

"Ryujin, I don't think you understand, we can't just go back. They'll kill us." Yuna said, everyone tense on the couches they all were occupying.

"I understand you're in pain, you think it's your fault Yeji is hurt but Ryujin you can't risk your life for guilt that isn't even supposed to be yours." Sana said, her voice soft, but words strong. Yeji was next to Ryujin, watching the raven-haired grow just as tense as everyone else.

"Then, we can break in. Expose them, figure out what's going on, because we all know what that girl could do wasn't human." Ryujin said, feeling hopless. She didn't want to be stuck running every few years, and wait for another accident only to run again.

"Let us think. We want to help, truly, but we've all come so far from what we were five years ago. It'll be a bit... sad... to go back in that mindset." Lia said, Ryujin's shoulders slumping in that familar way she does when she's given up. The raven-haired looked at the floor, everyone staring at her. She seemed so tired and defeated.

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