I Do

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~_~_~ (2 years later)~_~_~

Harry looks at himself in the mirror, unable to take his eyes off of himself. It's strange to ponder at the reflection looking back at him. In a way, this person in the mirror is a stranger to him. He is everything that Harry has ever wanted, but still not perfect. His hair is longer than Harry has ever allowed his hair to get, and he wears a thin layer of black nail polish. The man's lips rest in an almost smile instead of an almost frown. If Harry looks for it, he can still see the lines where his lips used to rest permanently in a scowl. This man wears a form-fitting black tux with a white bowtie.

Tears pool in the man's eyes, but before they fall the door opens. In a different lifetime, Harry would've wiped them away. He would never allow anyone to see a moment of intimacy like this, one where he would be capable of crying. The man in the mirror doesn't wipe them away. He catches the eye of the tall blond girl in the doorway and smiles.

"Already crying on me," Taylor questions. Harry sniffs as he locks eyes with Taylor through the mirror. Her blond hair sways across her shoulders as she walks towards him, tears brimming her own eyes.

"It's happy tears don't worry," Harry assures her. Taylor comes up from behind Harry, standing so close that he can feel her body heat. Her perfume washes over him, easing his performance anxiety.

"I sure hope it's happy tears. This is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life after all," Taylor reminds him. Harry smiles as he wraps his hand in his best friend's. She's right after all. This is supposed to be the happiest day of his life, one with no pain or hurt. He knows that he won't be able to escape some of the pain that comes with life, but there are happy things he can focus on.

"Am I being summoned," Harry whispers. Taylor gives him a small nod, unable to contain her smile as her true motives for coming into the room are revealed. "Are they all waiting on me," Harry asks. Taylor gives another small nod.

"Yeah, you're 5 minutes late," Taylor explains. Harry pulls out his phone from his pocket and sees that Taylor's right. Now, he'll be closer to 10 minutes late, but he still can't seem to care. This is his day after all. The photo on his phone's wallpaper eases some of the anxiety forming in his stomach as he's reminded of what this day is all about.

Of course, the hard stuff was done already. The paperwork, and the courthouse, and the signing of official government documents were done all the years ago. This is just all the fun parts of it, the parts that people truly remember. In the eyes of the government, this day was supposed to happen two years ago, but Harry was never one for timelines.

"Alright, I'm coming," Harry breathes as he takes one last moment to run his hands down his pants to flatten any wrinkles. He turns from the mirror, no longer able to separate the two. The man in the mirror is no different than who Harry is now. He is the man in the mirror after all. He is confident, and happy, and proud, and all the other things he's ever wanted to be.

With every step farther from the mirror he feels more comfortable and more himself, the new him, not the only one. He would leave that man behind. Niall stands just outside the door. His blue eyes sparkle, complimenting the orange handkerchief in the pocket of his tux.

"The man of the hour! Are you ready," Niall asks. Harry takes a deep breath and nods.

Together, the three of them make their way to the double doors that separate them from the crowd of people in the ceremony hall. A brunette woman in all black comes swinging out of the room next to the one Harry was in. He can't help but smile as he thinks about the contents of the room. The warm and familiar smells, the mess that's surely already been made.

"Harry, there you are," The coordinator breathes. The woman takes a deep breath before opening the doors to the ceremony halls. All at once a hundred sets of eyes turn towards Harry, raking over his appearance.

Harry stands in the doorway a minute, unable to will his feet to move. He takes a moment to let this second wash over him. The flowery walkway, the rows upon rows of people wearing shades of brown, and orange, and creams, and some navy with smiles and tears adorning their faces.

Harry takes his eyes off of those people and turns towards the arch at the end of the walkway. Dark and light green leaves twist along the wooden planks with white flowers dotted along with the vines. A man stands under it wearing a confident smile. Harry takes a final breath before starting his descent down the aisle.

He doesn't focus on the rows of people looking at him or the sweat that's already starting to form his palm or the sting in his eyes. All of those things are trivial as he comes does the aisle, itching to get there already, to make this official, and to see him.

Harry takes his spot under the arch. His eyes skip over Taylor and Niall who have made their way down the path together, arm in arm. His eyes drift past them, back on the door dying for a quick look at the next person to walk down.

It seems to take years for Niall and Taylor to join Harry under the arch. When they do, it takes another century for the doors to open again. Harry forces his eyes down when they do. As much as he wants to watch him come down the aisle, he doesn't want to ruin this moment for himself being greedy.

He forces one more shaky breath, unable to contain the nervous clammer in his hands. His eyes blur a moment, but he quickly blinks it away, not wanting to ruin this moment. As he looks up, he knows that he won't be able to stop.

He can barely see Louis through the blur of tears in his eyes, but he can make out the way he walks and the grin he gives Harry, and the obnoxious white shoes that Harry tried to talk him out of wearing. Harry quickly reaches up to wipe his eyes, not because he's embarrassed about crying in front of a room full of people but to see the man in front of him more clearly.

Harry's heart tugs in his chest as he sees the love of his life walking towards him. The man's hands wring together as he finishes his descent down the way and Harry can't help but reach out for him sooner than he is supposed to.

"Fancy seeing you here," Louis whispers as he takes Harry's hands in his own. Harry bites back a half-cry half-laugh, unable to contain his emotions much longer. The man standing next to Harry, who Harry nearly forgot about already, speaks up once Harry has had time to catch his breath.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two people. Unlike most of the couples I bring together, these two are a little late on the ceremony party of the wedding ceremony, but better late than never," The man says, going off-script. Harry can't help but smile. Of course, he would do everything backward.

"Today we come together to bear witness to the highest and deepest vow one can make to another, life-long partnership and everlasting love. Do you, Louis Tomlinson, take this Harry Styles to be your partner in life, to have and to hold, to honor and to love, to care for and cherish in times of good or bad so long as you shall live?"

Louis gives Harry's hands a small squeeze as he shakes his head. "Obviously, yes, of course," Louis breathes. Harry smiles, wanting to get to the part where they kiss and make it official. No more of these vows and promises that Harry has already made a thousand times before. Vows that Louis already knows that Harry has made and vice versa.

"Do you, Harry Styles, take this Louis Tomlinson, to be your partner in life, to have and to hold, to honor and to love, to care for and cherish in times of good or bad so long as you shall live?"

The words get trapped in Harry's throat as he looks into Louis' eyes. Oh how far they've come and how long it's taken for them to get to this point. Harry forces himself to breathe, unable to do so automoniously. The words come easy now, easier than breathing. He wonders why he would ever have trouble speaking these words as he breathes,

"I do" 


Hey guys. The way that I originally wrote this story was for there to be a sequel, obviously. But I don't think I will be able to continue this series, so I'm giving you a more concluding ending. I'm truly sorry to anyone who may have wanted a second or looked forward to it. Of course, thank you for your continued support and understanding. ~B

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