We Have Chemistry

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The professor's voice is mind-numbing background noise for Harry as he doodles in his notebook. She goes on about the organic composition of something Harry missed the name of, but he's not really concerned. It'll be in the textbook that Harry, admittedly, probably won't look at until the day before the exam. He'll still manage to pass though, he always does. 

After adding the finishing touches to his flying schoolbus drawing, he takes to glancing around the lecture hall. Harry's pencil taps quietly against his desk as his eyes scan the various students, all around his age.

His eyes fall on the girl sitting next to him. In all honesty, he doesn't remember ever seeing her before, but that's to be expected. It's not like Harry picks the same desk every lecture anyway. He gets angry looks about it, but he can't be bothered to try and remember what desk he sat at last time. 

The girl is pretty in a conventional way, Harry decides. Blond hair curls around into a bun and wavy bangs cover her forehead. Her skin is milky white with little dots of freckles on her arms. Harry stretches a bit to glance over at her paper and finds that it's filled with colorful notes and highlights. 

He moves back to his own desk and sneakily removes his phone from the pocket of his grey sweats. Green eyes glance up at the professor again, knowing he won't get caught. Despite the strict no-phone policy the professor attempts to implement, Harry's spent most of his lectures scrolling through Snapchat stories.

Quietly, Harry pushes his phone onto the girl's desk. She doesn't notice it until Harry gently nudges her knee with his own. The girl turns to him, her big blue eyes staring at him in a puzzled fashion. Harry shifts his eyes to the phone and shoots her a lopsided smirk. 

Harry listens to her mumble the words written on the 'notes' app quietly to herself. The girl looks back up at Harry when she finishes reading it with a light blush coating her cheeks. He glances at her lips and then slowly back up to her eyes while he smirks teasingly. The look has never failed him and he's positive it won't start today. 

He nods his head towards his phone, silently encouraging her to respond in the app. She blushes harder and thinks for a moment before she starts typing. The girl, while pretty enough, obviously hasn't been hit on too many times by guys like Harry. He's a little out of her league, he decides, but he doesn't mind hitting low every now and again. 

"Here," She whispers as she passes the phone to Harry under her desk. Harry accepts it and reads the app. 

Ur cute. Y don't I know u? I'm Harry btw

Probably Bc ur never in class lol. I'm Taylor. 

Taylor, fun name. Definitely not from around here though. Harry hasn't met a single pretty 'Taylor' from California. 

Ur right 😂 class is boring. Maybe I'll show up now that Ik ur here ;)

Harry passes it to her again but just as he does the professor's voice catches Harry's attention. "Alright, make sure to do your readings for today and I'll see you next week. You're dismissed."

Everyone around Harry stands and starts putting their things away. Taylor gently places Harry's phone back on her desk as she starts to put her pens and highlighters back in her bag. 

Quietly, Harry closes his notebook and stands. He adjusts the fitted sweatpants he's wearing a little bit and runs a hand through his hair as he takes a spot in front of Taylor's desk. 

"What's your major," Taylor asks through a blush once she organizes her things. 

"Pre-Med, you?" 

Taylor stands, shouldering her backpack. She stands taller than Harry expected, but, unlike some guys, Harry's not threatened by it. He takes a moment to give her a more detailed look now that she's standing in front of him.

She's well kept, that's a good start. Her face is clear and there's a nice shine to her lips from a pinkish gloss. Now that she's standing he sees the anchor stitched on her white and gold sweater and he recognizes it as Delta Gamma. 

"I'm Pre-Med too," Taylor cheers. A DG girl studying pre-med? Interesting. Most of the girls he's met from the Delta Gamma sorority study nursing or education, but none of the ones Harry's met have been ballsy enough to study pre-med.

"A DG girl who's actually here for an education and not a ring? Thought I'd never see the day," Harry teases, his voice taking on a flirtatious tone. Another blush coats Taylor's cheeks. 

"Not all of them are here to get married," Taylor giggles. Harry watches her body language carefully, she's a little reserved and holds her textbook close to her chest nervously. 

"You're right, most of 'em are just here for a little fun. What about you? Are you just here for a little fun," Harry questions as he takes a step closer towards her. He nods his head towards the door and, slowly, they start that way. 

"I'm not a girl who sleeps around if that's what you're asking," Taylor explains. Harry notes that. A part of him wants to be offended that that's where her mind immediately went to, but another one reminds him that that was exactly what he was implying. 

"Hey! I said nothing about sleeping around. I just asked if you were into having a little fun," Harry replies teasingly. "There're lots of different ways to have fun around here." 

Taylor thinks about this for a moment before responding, "Well, I can be fun." Harry stops and leans against the wall outside the class lazily. 

"As much fun as I'd like to have, I'd also like to pass. How about you come back to my apartment and help me figure this shit out," Harry suggests. He gives her a pleading look, hoping he's played his cards right. If he's right then she should be an easy bag... and bang. 

"I don't know," Taylor sighs as she glances towards the floor. 

"I'll owe you one if you do and I always deliver," Harry says. 

He watches as Taylor contemplates this. Even though their conversation has been short, Harry's already figured the girl out. He knows what her decision will be before she does. Maybe Harry should've gone into psychology instead of pre-med. 

"Fine, but only to study." 


Hey guys! New chapter as promised. What do you think about Taylor? How do you think she'll impact the plot? Leave ideas/suggestions/theories in the comments along with any other thoughts lol. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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