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"Well if you have something to say to my husband, you can say it to me," Louis spits. A look of shock crosses Jade's face, obviously not expecting any of the words that come out of Louis' mouth.

Harry watches in stunned silence as the situation occurs. He's a third party, watching a train wreck happen and seemingly unable to do anything about it. Realistically, he knows he can, but it feels impossible to speak or move.

"Husband? You know what, I don't have time for this," Jade huffs as she crosses her arms across her chest. She turns to Harry and stares him down, hate and hurt burned into her gaze. "You had a small dick anyway. Don't snap me."

Before Harry has the chance to rebuttal her obviously and completely false claim, she turns and marches down the stairs.

"Well, what did you do to piss her off," Louis questions as soon as Jade is out of earshot. Before Harry can answer, Niall appears next to him. He rubs at his eyes lazily as he looks between Harry and Louis.

"What're you doing here," Niall asks. Louis' blue eyes fall on Harry for a moment before darting back to Niall.

"My hotel isn't ready yet, so I was wondering if I could spend the night here," Louis explains simply.

Harry glances at Niall, begging for him to understand that Harry doesn't want Louis here. Niall, in his half-sleep state, doesn't return the gaze and instead shrugs, opening the door wide enough to let in Louis.

Niall follows Louis into the apartment, almost closing the door in Harry's face. Harry catches it just in time and rushes in after Louis. "Fuck, I- actually," Harry says as he tries to get Louis' attention. Louis ignores Harry's protest and continues into the foyer.

Most people who step into Harry and Niall's apartment are stunned, but Louis doesn't seem to give it a second look as he allows the duffle to fall from his shoulder. Harry's offended for a second that Louis doesn't even seem mildly impressed by the room he's in. What kind of 19-year-old college student has an apartment this grand? None, Harry will tell you that much. Louis doesn't seem fazed by the real hard-wood floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, or the grand chandelier over their formal dining table.

"Do you have anything to eat? I didn't get the chance to eat on the road," Louis asks simply as he turns back to look at Harry. Harry makes eye contact with Niall who sits at the island of their kitchen, his head resting on their marble countertops.

"Well, actually I think it'd best if you-," Harry starts.

Niall interjects, "Fridge is all yours."

Harry purses his lips as the words slip past Niall. A huff escapes Harry as Niall stands and heads back to his room, leaving Harry with Louis. Politely, Louis picks his duffle bag up and sets it against the island so it's not in the middle of the floor before making his way behind the kitchen.

"We don't have a whole lot. It's probably best if you order take-out or something," Harry suggests as he follows Louis into the kitchen. He doesn't know why, but Harry feels a sudden burst of insecurity blossom in his stomach as Louis walks around the kitchen. Green eyes fall on the countertops to make sure they're not any stains or that there aren't spots on the fridge. He prays that it's organized and that Niall hasn't left anything embarrassing in it either.

"I don't do take-out. Do you mind," Louis questions as he gestures towards the fridge. Harry awkwardly nods and opens the door for Louis to peer into. He stands behind Louis, hoping to catch anything embarrassing before Louis does.

Most of the fridge's contents are bags of take-out, courtesy of Niall. There're some energy drinks shoved in the corner along with some various cans of beer (that Harry definitely didn't pay someone to buy for him because he's underage). Harry watches as Louis opens the produce drawer and closes it after he finds it's filled with a huge bottle of ranch, again courtesy of Niall.

Louis turns to look at Harry and, for the first time, Harry notices their height difference. It's not much, maybe two or three inches at most. Harry also didn't realize how close he's standing to Louis. If Harry were to bend his knees a little bit their noses would touch. Louis doesn't seem bothered by their proximity at all as he looks at Harry.

"Did you hear me," Louis says. Harry shakes his head, his heart pounding in his chest as he takes a step back.

"Uh, sorry. What did you say," Harry mumbles, as he leans against the opposite counter. His fingers pat a rhythm against the countertops as he tries to ease the shaking in his hands.

"Do you have a pantry," Louis asks. Harry nods and motions towards the pantry built into the wall. He walks over and opens it for Louis.

Harry's green eyes fall on Louis as Louis looks around the pantry. He shifts his attention the other way when Louis turns around. "Do you mind if I make some spaghetti? Nothing fancy. There're some noodles and a can of tomato sauce. I think I remember seeing some meatballs in the fridge too. I can cook us up something easy enough," Louis explains.

As much as Harry doesn't want Louis in the kitchen or anywhere near him, the thought of a homecooked meal, even one as simple as spaghetti and meatballs, makes his stomach rumble. "Uh, yeah, I guess that's alright," Harry replies.

A smile tugs its way across Louis' lips as he goes back to the fridge to pull out a bag of frozen meatballs. Honestly, Harry didn't even remember buying the bag. It must've been another buy courtesy of Niall, he decides.

Louis straightens up and pretends to tighten a tie. "Signore," Louis says through a dramatic Italian accent, "Have a seat, Bellissimo, and let me cook you some spaghetti." 


Hey guys! I know it's been a bit but I've been busy with school and stuff. I hope you guys enjoy and are prepared because the the next chapter is gonna be filled ;) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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