A Massive Douche

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Harry wakes up with a pounding headache. He lays under his blanket for a couple of seconds, dreading coming out from under it, knowing that his headache will only worsen.

"Goddammit," Harry whispers as he throws the blanket over him. Immediately, he's met with the sun shining in his face. Cursing, he turns around; so the sun doesn't hit his eyes.

As he does, he sees Louis lying next to him. The other boy has the white comforter pulled up to his chin, and his eyelashes lay gently against his cheek. Harry slowly leans in... no. He stands, exiting the room, making sure to shut the door as quietly as possible; so he doesn't disturb Louis' slumber.

Harry is greeted by a mess in the living room. Beer bottles and empty six-back containers are strewn across the room. Sighing, Harry collects them. As he picks up the empty bottles, he forces the memories away that try to creep upon him. He doesn't want to remember what happened. Remembering last night could mean remembering something Harry doesn't want to. It's easier to forget it all than to have the memories haunting him.

"Look who's finally awake," A voice says as Harry turns the corner into the kitchen. Niall stands by the fridge, eating a slice of pepperoni pizza in his boxers.

"Don't you have class or something," Harry asks as he tosses the empty bottles into the trash can under the sink.

"Yeah, I'm about to head out. Don't know how well I'm going to do on my test though" Niall sighs as he finishes his slice.

Harry moves to grab a slice of bread from the loaf as he replies, "Why's that?"

"Couldn't study last night," Niall says pointedly. Harry loads the bread into the toaster, not sure what Niall is trying to insinuate.

"Why not? Procrastinate too much? I told you you should take a break from Tiktok. That shit's addictive," Harry laughs as he turns back to Niall. Niall's blue eyes stare into Harry for a moment, as if waiting for Harry to say something.

"Never mind, it's not that deep," Niall huffs as he slides past Harry in the kitchen. Harry watches in disbelief as Niall slams the door on the way out.

Harry rolls his eyes at his roommate's moodiness. Just as his toast jumps out of the toaster, Harry gets a notification from his phone in his pocket.

"Fuck, Jesus, ah," Harry shouts as he attempts to grab his toast bare-handed from the toaster. He sticks his burnt fingers in his mouth as he opens the Instagram notification.

9:54 AM


Harry? You coming?

Harry stares down at the message in confusion for a moment before remembering he promised Taylor he would meet her for coffee before chemistry.


Shitttt uh why dont we grab it after?


:/ Alright

Harry feels like shit. It's not the first time that Harry's forgot about plans with someone, and he knows it won't be the last, but he feels horrible. It's the first time that Harry's ever felt bad about forgetting plans. Sure, he's felt a twang of guilt here and there, but imagining Taylor sitting at the Starbucks alone waiting for him makes his stomach twist. He promises himself he'll make it up to her tenfold.


Harry missed most of his chem class to try and pull his apology to Taylor together. Because of Taylor, however, Harry's already ahead in the course, so missing the class won't really affect his grade at all.

Admittedly, Harry feels a little stupid as he stands outside the lecture hall. He holds a bouquet of purple and blue flowers that a salesclerk at the flower shop suggested in one hand and a venti pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks in the other.

Maybe he splurged a little with the drink and the flowers, but he just wants to make sure that Taylor knows he feels horrible about accidentally standing her up.

As the students in his chem class slowly start to file out of the room, he watches for Taylor. Through the bob of heads, Harry manages to make out Taylor as one of the last out of the lecture hall.

"Taylor," Harry calls. A pack of students moves out of the way giving Taylor enough room to see Harry standing there with his gifts. He gives her a lop-sided smile as he holds up the items happily.

"Harry, what did you do," Taylor whisper-shouts as she guides them out of the middle of the hallway. Harry can tell that Taylor's a little embarrassed by all of the attention, but the blush and smile she's trying to hide is worth it.

"I wanted to say sorry for missing coffee earlier today. I was a massive douche for that," Harry explains as he hands her the pumpkin spice latte. Taylor accepts it gratefully before glancing at the bouquet of flowers.

"Hydrangeas? Harry, you really shouldn't have," Taylor blushes. Harry shrugs.

"It's not a biggie, honestly. I'll walk you back to your dorm." Taylor takes a sip of her drink and then smiles again.

"You remembered the oat milk?"

Harry shrugs nonchalantly, "'Course, it would suck if you got a stomach ache or something."

Taylor takes another sip of her drink happily. "Seriously, Harry, thank you for all of this. You're too much." Harry shrugs as they both turn to walk out of the building.

The crisp autumn air hits Harry in the face as they exit the building. He pulls the hood of his sweater over his head and tightens the flannel he's wearing over it. Taylor visibly shivers and shakes her head to move the hair out of her face as a gust of wind rushes by.

"What're you doing tomorrow," Taylor asks as she takes another sip of her hot drink.

"I don't know, hopefully, get drunk, though," Harry admits. Halloween has always been one of Harry's favorites, besides St. Patrick's Day, of course, because he has an excuse to get plastered. Not that Harry ever needs an excuse to drink, but it's nice to have an excuse instead of just saying he's a borderline alcoholic.

Thankfully, Taylor doesn't live far from the chemistry building, and Harry's apartment isn't much farther. He gives her a quick hug goodbye and waits for her to get all the inside the dorm before dashing back to his apartment complex.

He's nearly out of breath when he gets there; however, all the breath remaining escapes his lungs as he sees his father's Mclaren and Louis' rental parked in the lot.


Hey guys! Hehe I feel evil for the cliff hanger from last chapter. As always, leave your predictions in the comment sections, I do love reading them. What do you think about Taylor and Harry's relationship? Why do you think Harry feels so bad? thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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