You're Fit for a Bloke

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The wind rustles the trees above Harry as he anxiously waits for 3 to roll around. Back home, the sun would be beating on the back of his neck but grey clouds cover the sky leaving Harry with an unsatisfying layer of sweat without the benefit of a tan. The smell of September rain and the yellowing leaves is another reminder that Harry's favorite season is fast approaching. 

"It's fine, dude, just take a breath," Niall says. Harry reaches up to adjust the airpod in his ear. 

He's not a pussy or anything, so he doesn't know why he's no nervous about meeting Louis. There has never been a time in his life that Harry's been nervous to meet anyone, but something about this feels different. This is, legally anyway, his husband. There was something about him that night that made Drunk Harry marry him. The idea that Drunk Harry would be willing to look at a guy to begin with is already too much for Harry to unpack. Now he has to meet the guy that stirred all this up.

"It's not fine. Stop saying it's fine," Harry hisses angrily. A young mom sitting at the playground a couple of paces away turns to give Harry a startled look. Embarrassed, Harry raises a hand and passes her a thin, awkward smile. 

"You would be freaking out too if you were in my position," Harry adds as adjusts one of the rings on his fingers again. 

"No, I wouldn't because I would think it was hilarious. There's nothing to freak out about unless you decide there's something to freak out about. It's not gay if it's with the homies, remember," Niall explains. Harry rolls his eyes. Of course, Niall would say that. He hasn't been labeled 'gay' his entire life. 

All through high school Harry faced 'gay' comments. Of course, he's not gay. There's nothing gay about him. He's always been a fan of girls and their bodies. There's nothing about a guy that's ever made Harry's head turn. Sure he's in touch with a bit of femininity but that shouldn't make someone 'gay'. Besides, girls dig it when Harry wears nail polish. 

Harry's gaze falls on a silhouette just over the horizon. His stomach drops into his toes and he feels like he's going to vomit all at the same time. "Fuck, fuck, fuck I think that's him. Shit what the fuck do I do," Harry whisper-yells. 

"Is he hot in person? He has to be if you married him right? He's definitely hot. What do you think he's packing," Niall questions excitedly. 

"I'm not going to look at his dick, Niall!"

Fuck, Harry's hands start shaking as the figure gets closer and closer. It's definitely Louis, Harry decides. He recognizes the boy's stature from his Twitter pictures and the easy-going way he walks fits the boy's personality. 

"I'm going to go," Harry decides. He reaches for his phone and taps 'end call' before Niall can add anything else. 

For a moment, it seems like the sun peaks out from the clouds and shines on Louis as he fast approaches him. There's an easy-ness to the way that he walks over that makes Harry think that Louis must've done this a thousand times. A smile tugs its way across Louis' thin lips as they make eye contact. Harry forces his gaze away from Louis' eyes as Louis lifts a hand to greet him.

Once he's in earshot Louis happily cheers, "You're fit for a bloke!" Harry feels himself blush hard at the greeting. 

"You must be Louis," Harry says. He forces his hand in a fist to stop it from shaking as much as he stands. Usually, Harry doesn't have a problem greeting people. In fact, Harry loves meeting new people but something about Louis throws Harry off his game. Instead of being a social butterfly, Harry can't even seem to look Louis in the eye. 

"That'd be me. You must be Mr. Tomlinson," Louis replies easily. He throws Harry a wink as he sticks out a hand for Harry to shake. There's a sparkle in the other boy's blue eyes as Harry awkwardly takes his hand. 

"It's Styles, Harry Styles," Harry corrects. 

"We can discuss a hyphen," Louis teases. Harry's cheeks go red again and he's convinced that Louis' doing it on purpose. He absolutely hates that the smaller boy standing in front of him can so easily get under Harry's skin.

Harry tries to look everywhere but Louis' face. He recognizes the purple and yellow windbreaker that Louis wears from the photo and a memory sits just out of reach, teasing him. Something about lights and the jacket moving. Even if Harry focuses on the memory it seems to blink away from him before he can make any sense of it. 

"Checking me out," Louis jokes. Harry snaps back up to Louis' face, embarrassed he got caught. 

"So, uh, do you know anything about the divorce process," Harry questions as he awkwardly stuffs his hands into his jean pockets, not knowing what to do with them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy, Love. Why don't we just sit down and have a chat first," Louis suggests. He gives Harry an easy smile and motions for them to sit on the bench Harry was sitting on earlier. Harry almost trips over his own feet as he does, but he quickly catches himself. 

Harry makes sure to sit as far away from Louis as possible, but Louis doesn't seem bothered with thinking about it too much. Instead, he leans back against the seat nonchalantly with one of his ankles resting on his knee. Louis' arm drapes itself across the back of the seat, his hand eerily close to Harry. 

"I'm Louis, 21, and obviously from England. 'M just here on a holiday because Americans know how to have a bit of fun. What about you," Louis questions. The relaxed nature Louis gives off puts Harry on edge. He's easy to talk to and if Harry wasn't feeling so weird, he could see them being good friends. 

"Um, I'm 19. I live in LA actually and I'm pre-med at USC," Harry explains robotically. He tries to put as much distance as he can between the two of them, emotionally and physically. 

"Pre-med? I thought I was going to be the sugar daddy, but I don't mind being Baby for you," Louis winks. Harry tenses as he feels a rush go through his body. Embarrassment floods him a moment later and he coughs awkwardly. 

"I'm just joking... I'm always Daddy," Louis says through a smirk. Harry flexes his hands, not knowing what else to do as Louis' fingers tap rhythmically against the green metal of the bench. 

"I'm straight," Harry blurts out. 

Louis uses his free hand to adjust his black skinny jeans. Harry's eyes watch as the man's hand flirts past his own inner thigh, resting for a moment on his crotch before taking its position back on the armrest. He forces his gaze away from Louis altogether and becomes fascinated with a bird sitting in a tree just behind Louis. 

"That makes two of us," Louis says. Shocked, Harry can't help but glance at Louis again. He's straight? The amount of casual flirting that Louis' done in the last couple of hours in-person and over text made Harry assume there was... something about him. 

"You're straight," Harry questions. 

"Don't sound too disappointed," Louis shoots back. 

Again, Harry feels his cheeks going red and he rolls his eyes to try and seem like he wasn't as flustered by Louis' comment as he really was. 

"I should go. My friend's waiting on me back at the hotel and I promised we could uh... go... to... go to the movies so uh... I have to go," Harry stammers. He brings a hand to the back of his neck and forces the other one in his pocket so he doesn't have to shake Louis' hand again. 

A look of disappointment seems to cross Louis' face for a moment, but he quickly tucks it away and throws Harry a smile. "That's alright, I've got a lifetime," Louis winks. Harry purses his lips into a thin line and gives Louis an awkward nod before slowly turning his back and starting back towards his hotel. 


Hey guys! I really do enjoy doing these updates for you. What are your thoughts on Larrys first meeting? I'm going to start doing comment and vote goals for updates because I start college soon and regular updates might be a bit hard. We'll see though. For now, I'll leave the vote and comment goal at the end of the author's note. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

Votes: 18

Comments: 18

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