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Harry fumbles with the lock of his apartment as Taylor stands behind him. He shifts his gaze towards her before opening the door and letting both of them in. He stops as he sees Louis sitting on the couch in his living room. 

"Good you're... oh, hey Blondie," Louis says as he glances up at the pair as they walk through the door.  Louis' blue eyes glance between the two of them as they stand in the doorway and, for a moment, Harry feels embarrassed. He didn't expect Louis to be here and he didn't expect him to see Taylor. Louis' blue eyes momentarily hold a look of betrayal as he looks between them. 

"Who is this," Taylor asks as she smiles at them warmly. Louis gives Harry an awkward look before scratching the back of his neck. 

Harry doesn't know what to say and decides an introduction would be best. "This is... Louis, my friend," Harry introduces. 

Taylor reaches a hand out for Louis to shake. Louis takes three sure steps so he can take Taylor's hand in his own. The moment of awkwardness passes easily as Taylor and Louis shake hands. 

"Well I should be going I guess.. looks like you two have plans," Louis says to Harry. Taylor seems to notice the shift in the room but she doesn't say anything about it, which Harry is grateful for.

A look crosses Louis' face as he grabs the last of his things and exits the apartment in a rush. He doesn't acknowledge Harry as he leaves, but Harry tries not to think about it too much. He promises himself he'll text Louis later and explain that he didn't realize that he would be at the apartment and that Taylor was just a friend. 

"So, studying... what do you need help with," Taylor asks as she looks back at Harry. He's thankful she's decided not to comment on Louis' hurried exit. Harry sighs, letting his backpack drop to the floor as he gives her a warm smile. 

"I don't know honestly, I've missed the last couple of classes. Maybe just a refresher or something." 

Harry gestures for the two of them to go sit at the island. Taylor takes her seat first, and Harry takes the opportunity to give her a look. Originally, he wanted to bring Taylor home so they could sleep together, but now the idea seems so foreign and alien he feels a blush of shame even thinking it. 

He didn't realize how beautiful she was in class, but over the walk back to his apartment and watching as she takes her pens and highlighters from her backpack, he realizes she has a natural grace about her. It's something that he doesn't see a lot anymore. 

"So, the chapter 3 notes are really kind of easy. We talked about it last lecture, but I have it here if you want to take a look at it. If you need any help over anything just ask," Taylor explains. 


Later that evening, after Taylor left, Harry finds himself sitting in his kitchen. He's shirtless and a bowl of salad sits untouched in front of him. He can't bring himself to eat it and he doesn't know where his appetite went, but he doesn't mind much. He could do to lose a couple of pounds, he decides. 

Admittedly, Harry enjoyed talking to Taylor more than he thought he would. It was a first for him to spend time with a girl without having any ulterior motives or other intentions in mind, but he kind of enjoyed himself, he decides. He even got some work done, which is surprising. He didn't think he would, but now he's ahead on next week's readings and homework thanks to Taylor. 

Sighing, Harry pulls out his phone and opens his Instagram messages. Louis' sits at the top of the screen and he knows he should probably say something, anything really. He knows he probably hurt Louis a bit, but he doesn't owe Louis anything. They're barely friends, but, for some reason, Harry still feels a pang of guilt over the whole thing. 

Huffing, he types out a message.

10:13 PM


Come and hang? 

He doesn't expect Louis to respond immediately, so he locks his phone and sets it to the side. He decides to start his salad again, willing himself to find the motivation to pick up the fork and take a bite. A cherry tomato stares back at him, but his appetite still sits far out of reach. Just as Harry starts to stand and head back to his room, Niall walks out. 

A white shirt covers his chest and light gray sweatpants cover the bottom half as he joins Harry in the kitchen. 

"You look cheery," Harry comments as Niall walks to the fridge. He opens it, his eyes shifting through the refrigerator to find something to eat. Harry guesses his search comes up unsuccessful as Niall closes the fridge door and join Harry at the island. 

"You know what, I am, thanks for asking. You gonna eat that," Niall says as he gestures towards Harry's uneaten salad. Harry shakes his head and pushes the bowl towards Niall who accepts it happily. 

"So I was thinking," Niall starts.

"Oh no."

"Shut up, okay! I was thinking something good this time," Niall says. "So you know how the Halloween party is coming up and we have to have costumes and everything?"

"Yeah, that's kind of how Halloween works, Niall." 

"Shut up bro, anyway, I was thinking that we could go as Willy Wonka and the Once Ler. You could be Willy Wonka and I'll be the Once Ler. It could be such a cool best friend's costume idea because, you know, it's kinda blowing up on TikTok right now. We would do the cool, sexy, hot version though and all the chicks will dig it."

"I don't think I have any idea what you're talking about," Harry admits. 

"You're not on Willy Wonka Tiktok?"

"Why would I be on Willy Wonka TikTok when there're hot girls dancing in bikinis," Harry asks pointedly. Niall seems to consider this for a moment. 

"Fairpoint I guess. I'll send you who I'm talking about so you can start getting your costume together. This is going to be so awesome," Niall cheers. He takes a bite of the salad, stands, but stops and gives Harry one last thoughtful look. 

"You know what, you're a good friend." Harry rolls his eyes as Niall takes another bite of Harry's salad. "No, no, I'm serious. You're like a really good friend."

"What do you want," Harry sighs, knowing that Niall wouldn't compliment Harry out of the blue for no reason. Sure, they're best friends, but they're not those kinds of friends. 

"Yeah, so, basically, I was wondering if I could have the apartment tomorrow. Leigh's gonna come over, and things might get frisky if you know what I mean," Niall says with an over-the-top wink. Harry rolls his eyes as he messes with his phone case. 

"Fine," Harry sighs. 

"See, I knew you were a good friend." 


Hey guys! Kind of a filler chapter, but I promise we're getting to some good stuff. Also! You'll be happy to hear that updates should be more frequent. I learned how to use talk-to-text on my phone so I don't have to type out the chapters. I really don't have the motivation to type shit out anymore, so this is, hopefully, going to be a lot easier. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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