Instagram Baddie

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Harry couldn't be happier to be home. The apartment he shares with Niall is probably the cleanest it's been in months, meaning his father's been by. 

"What happened to the dust bunny behind the couch? She was just getting big again," Niall pouts. Harry doesn't hear a word Niall says, however, as he turns his attention to the note taped to the fridge in his father's formal handwriting. 

This place is a mess. Do better. You owe the maid $180. 

Frustrated, Harry tears the slip from the fridge and crumbles it up. He pushes as much anger into the motion as he can as he imagines squeezing his father into a tiny ball until he's so small and insignificant Harry never has to spare him another thought again. 

"Clean sheets," Niall cheers as he disappears into his room down the hall. Harry rolls his eyes as he lets the wad of paper fall to the ground. No matter how much Harry tries to distance his thoughts from his father, the vision of that man walking through his safe place sends a chill down his back. 

A notification pulls Harry from his thoughts. Sighing, he digs his phone out of his front pocket and frowns as he sees an Instagram notification from Louis.

2:45 PM


Can you call me when you get home please

Harry's eyes fall to the number printed at the bottom of the screen. Getting Louis' phone number makes this whole situation more personal than he'd like, but he knows there's no getting out of it. Louis will know that Harry saw the message and will spam Harry's phone until Harry calls him. No point avoiding the inevitable, Harry decides. 

Nervously, Harry taps the number into his phone and presses 'call'. A loud ring echoes through the AirPods in Harry's ear as he shoves his phone back in his pocket and heads for his own bedroom. 

"I'm surprised you called," Louis hums after the second ring. Harry sighs as he sets his duffel bag on the crisp white comforter on his bed. He can tell it's been washed recently, probably by the maid. 

"So uh... what did you want," Harry asks as he dumps the contents of his bag on the bed. A pile of mostly black clothes stares back at him and he sighs knowing he'll have to sort it all. A task for a different day he decides. 

"Why can't I just want to talk to you? There always has to be a reason with you," Louis teases. Harry blushes deeply and is a thousand times grateful that Louis can't see him. 

"About that, did you find out what we need to get divorced," Harry questions. He forces his voice into his business setting. A setting he discovered as a child from listening to endless hours of his father's business calls. The number of hours Harry would spend with his ear to the door of his father's at-home-office is embarrassing, to say the least. Not more embarrassing than the fact that every day he finds himself becoming more and more like the man. 

"So the thing is," Louis starts. Harry rolls his eyes as he collapses into his desk chair. It's simple and a little bit uncomfortable to sit in for an extended period of time. His mom has been annoying him about getting a better one, but Harry likes the old, annoying chair. 

"Louis," Harry grumbles. 

Louis doesn't pay Harry any mind as he continues what he was saying, "I'm on a vacation visa, but I really like it here. I was hoping we can stay married long enough for me to get my student visa then we can divorce after that." 

Visas are among the many things Harry doesn't know shit about. Sure, he could tell you that when he goes on vacation to Greece he has to have a visa of some sort, but how his father gets them he has no idea. The process to get a visa shouldn't be that long considering the quick turnaround their family manages to get them in so maybe that's why Harry says yes. 

"I mean... fine whatever. Just until you get your visa and then it's over," Harry sighs. 

"One more ask before I let you go. I know you live in LA and I wanted to run the idea by you before I did it, but I was considering going out there until I get everything sorted. I've never been to LA before and I've heard it's a pretty cool spot. I can, a hundred percent, get a hotel or somethin' but are you alright with that," Louis questions. Harry frowns as he messes with a ring on his finger. 

Honestly, he doesn't know. He doesn't want Louis around but he can't stop Louis. LA is a big town with loads of people. There's no saying that they'll even run into each other if Harry makes an effort to keep his distance. 

"You can do whatever you want. I can't control you." Harry sighs as he continues, "Look I've got a ton of unpacking to do. Can you just DM me if we need to talk?" 

There's a pause on the other line as Louis seems to consider this. Harry's frown deepens as he waits for Louis' answer. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Louis replies, "Yeah sure mate." 

A breath of relief slips past Harry's lips as he mutters a quick 'goodbye' and hangs up. Harry pulls one of the AirPods out of his ears, relieved that the conversation is over. He doesn't know what about Louis gets him all riled up. Maybe it's how nonchalant he acts about the whole marriage thing. It's a serious deal and commitment but Louis doesn't seem to understand that. 

Frustrated and in need of some attention, Harry clicks on the upload button at the bottom of his Instagram page. He scrolls through some of the photos he took while in Vegas. Sighing, he decides on the photo Niall took of him in front of the Las Vegas sign, a photo that everyone seems to take when visiting. 

Harry doesn't spend nearly as much time editing the photo as he usually would and posts it with the caption 'What happens in Vegas'. It's an overused caption, but Harry doesn't care enough to try and come up with something witty to go with the picture. 

As soon as he posts it he already has a couple of likes and comments from various girls all complimenting him. He lets the post sit for a couple of minutes as he scrolls through his IG stories before switching back to read through the comments. 

HayleighBayleigh: So cute 😍

Kendraaaa: 🙈

Niall_the_goatt: Yes daddy 😩👅🤤

JadeThirlwall: He strikes again 

Louis_T: Instagram Baddie 😉


Hey guys! We didn't hit the goal but I felt like updating. I had about 130 reads on the last chapter but only 15 votes. Not sure if y'all just aren't enjoying it or just trying to be sneaky lol. Please leave a couple inline comments as I LOVE reading through them hehe. As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

Votes: 18

Comments: 18

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