Ride a Cock

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The white ceiling swirls together as Harry focuses and unfocused his eyes. The optical illusion allows Harry to hunt for different animals in the shades of white as Louis walks around his room. 

Through Harry's fixation with the ceiling, he hears Louis in the distance grumbling about something. He doesn't bother unfocusing on the ceiling to answer whatever dumb question Louis' decided on pestering Harry with now. 

As he stares up at the ceiling, Harry hears a woman's voice hum a familiar tune. The tune is simple, but Harry can't hear what the woman sings. It echoes in his head a couple of times and each time Harry gets more frustrated with himself that he can't riddle out the words the woman is saying. 

"How's that rhyme go," Harry asks aloud.

"Don't know any rhymes," Louis admits from across the room. 

Harry sits up, becoming upset that he can't remember the lyrics to the rhyme. "Fuck," Harry curses under his breath. 

Louis turns to him and smiles. "That's a naughty word... you minx," Louis teases as he walks towards Harry. 

Harry couldn't be bothered with Louis as he moves to stand in between Harry's legs. The tune repeats itself over in Harry's head like a never-ending march, taunting him as Louis' arms rest on Harry's sides. 

"Do you remember," Harry asks, his green eyes resting on Louis' blue ones as Harry hums the tune. Louis seems to listen attentively to Harry's song. Louis considers the tune for a moment when Harry finishes. 

"I only know 'Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross, To see a fine lady upon a white horse; Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, And she shall have music wherever she goes'," Louis hums. Harry's fixation with the song from his childhood is diverted by the music that pours from Louis' thin lips.

"You said cock," Harry points out, laughing. 

Harry giggles to himself, impressed with his joke as Louis sinks in between his legs. A hand on his leg startles Harry into silence as Louis looks up at him. Suddenly, a cold feeling rushes down Harry's back as he realizes that Louis is sitting in between his legs with a dark sea in his eyes. 

Green eyes stare at Louis intensely as Louis breaks their eye contact. Harry never noticed how long Louis' eyelashes are or how dark. They're beautiful really. Someone could've told him that every lash could've been placed by an angel and Harry wouldn't doubt it for a second, he decides. 

"Cinderella," Louis slurs as lays a gentle kiss on Harry's sock-covered foot. Louis' blue eyes look up at Harry from under his heavenly eyelashes and Harry feels like he's being pulled into a trance. 

More words drip from Louis' lips, but Harry's attention falls to Louis' shoulder and he realizes that Louis isn't wearing a shirt. He doesn't remember when Louis lost this article of clothing, but he finds the question slipping from his head as soon as it arrives. It doesn't matter how he lost it, but how beautiful the golden skin swirls together on his shoulder. 

His eyes trail from Louis' shoulder to his collarbone and his chest and his stomach. Louis' skin is perfection. Harry can see some spots of Louis' torso that's more tanned than others and blemishes dotting his navel. "Perfect," Harry whispers. 

Their eyes meet for a moment, lingering on one another. Louis sighs, "Yeah", before adding, "Let's watch a film." 

Harry nods, unable to take his eyes away from Louis. Louis doesn't seem to have the same problem as he snaps away from Hary's gaze and crawls onto the bed next to him. It takes a minute for Harry to recover, but he moves to grab his laptop that sits on the side of his bed. 

"I have a film in mind," Louis explains as he slides the laptop from Harry's lap to his own. A feeling of honor washes over Harry as he realizes that the metal that once sat on his lap now sits on Louis'. He allows this thought to roll over in his head for a couple of minutes before the loud thump of the Netflix intro breaks him of it. 

Harry turns his attention to the computer screen as Louis types something into the search bar. He can't focus his eyes enough to read what Louis types. "I watched it with me mates a while back, a good ole film it is," Louis announces as he slides the computer to rest between the two of them. 

It takes a couple of scenes before Harry realizes that the movie is a gay one. The two main characters, both male, were trending on Twitter when the movie first released. Harry never bothered watching it, but he was always curious about it. He guesses his curiosity would be satisfied tonight. 

As the movie plays, however, Harry can't seem to focus on it. His mind skips to a thousand different thoughts a minute and he can barely keep up. Among them: how strange his hands feel, the concept of sherbet, Louis' thigh touching his, and the song "All Star". 

"I'd be proper beamin' to have someone like that," Louis sighs. Harry forces himself to focus on Louis and the words that seem to drip antagonizing slow from his lips. 

"Have someone like what," Harry questions. 

Louis looks at him for a moment and Harry sees a tear sitting in the corner of his eyes, waiting to be let out. Harry watches as Louis seems to sit so still as to not let the tear fall, all so he can say the movie didn't make him cry. 

"Nothin' just me bein' a sissy's all," Louis sniffles as he wipes at his nose. Harry gives him a nod, not quite sure what to say or do to make Louis feel better. 

Harry stares at Louis as he watches the film. The tear sits in his eye, unmoving. It sits silently as if a forever companion to Louis. Seeing the boy in pain, even if it's a pain coming from longing or something else stirs something in Harry. He hates it. The tear eats away at Harry and he becomes determined on making Louis feel better. 

"Louis," Harry whispers. Louis turns, jolting the tear, but it still doesn't escape. 

A thought crosses Harry's mind and he acts on it, not knowing for sure if it will make Louis feel better, but hoping he does. Harry brings a hand up to Louis' face and holds it there gently before leaning in. 


Hehe. Love yall. Btw do yall read the titles of each chapter and if you do how do you think they'll play out in the chapter? I'm really curious. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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