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Seokjin has been in America for a couple of days. Their album debuted today, which fell on my birthday. Even though I'm a new year older, I don't feel any wiser, especially regarding my love life. The fact that I'm single has even drawn the attention to my parents.

Dinner with them the other night proved so. My father brought up Seokjin in conversation, and my stepmother smiled. She and I have talked about him. It was nice having a motherly perspective and I appreciate her for taking time with me. I explained to them both Seokjin and I are friends and he's been nothing but nice to me since my move here. They didn't buy it, but I held my own. Seokjin and I are friends, best friends, but it's so much more than that.

Last year, on my birthday, I celebrated with him. We didn't spend any money, only time. Seokjin came to my apartment with bags of groceries and flowers-orchids, to be specific. It was a tough day for me. Thoughts of my mother plagued me and I couldn't help but think it was another year I grew older and another year I lived without her.

I cried to Seokjin, and he comforted me like the perfect friend he is. He cooked dinner for us and we talked about everything under the sun. Looking back now, it seemed like a romantic gesture and what made it more intimate was he tried nothing with me-no hand holding or kissing. We cuddled, but it wasn't out of the norm for us. I believe my birthday last year marked the moment I fell in love with him.

Today is grateful, but a tad lonely. Seokjin is an ocean away and I'm getting dressed to meet my friends. Seunga planned a birthday dinner for me, along with a few friends. I looked forward to a night with my friends, but I yearned for another's company. After what happened with us, this time would be different because our friendship was different. A hug could turn into a kiss and a kiss would lead to something else. I hugged myself to stop the flutters inside me.

I couldn't do this to myself, and I needed to get dressed. Seunga would call soon and I don't want to be late for my dinner. The minute I slipped my dress on, my phone rang. It was a FaceTime call from my friend. I checked the time as I answered.

"Happy birthday Hazelnut!" Seokjin exclaimed.

I shook my head, laughing at him. That's a nickname I haven't heard in a while. I see he chose cuteness for this call. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" I wondered.

Seokjin grinned. "Did you think I would let the day pass without telling you happy birthday?"

"I suppose not. Thank you Seokjinnie." I grinned.

Seokjin blushed. It was only fair for me to be cute with him since he was cute with me. "Did you get the coffee truck I sent you?" He asked.

I sighed, "yes, and thank you for raising suspicions at my job. Now everyone thinks I have a boyfriend who sent me a coffee truck on my birthday. They teased me all day about it." I curved my stare to the ceiling in annoyance, but it was only playful. It was a sweet gesture from my friend.

Seokjin raised his brow. "Is that a bad thing?"

The tone of his voice suggested playfulness, but it seemed a wonder underlined it. "Only since it isn't true."

"Or you don't want someone to know." Seokjin sassed. "I guess I need to visit the network to see who you're getting cozy with?" He mocked. His sassy attitude can be a little annoying.

I smacked my teeth. "Don't be silly Jin. I don't have a boyfriend. Wouldn't you be the first to know if I did?" My statement held double meaning, but I wasn't sure if he caught on. I pinched myself mentally for even saying such a thing. I missed my chance so I should move on from it.

Seokjin tilted his head. A subtle smile hugged his lips before he spoke again. Perhaps he caught on. "I'll be home soon and we could celebrate prop-" a knock on his door interrupted his statement. "Yeah?" He yelled out. Seokjin stood up with the phone in his hand and answered his door. My first instinct was to turn my phone over and hide, but when I heard the voice in the room with Jin, my nerves settled. The muffled voices in the background were a playful banter between the two until Seokjin lifted the phone and I met his visitor, who waved to me.

"Hi Yoongi." I smiled.

"Happy birthday Hazel. Hope to see you when we return." Yoongi greeted.

"I hope so too!" I grinned. There was something about Yoongi which drew me to him and the admiration of his friendship with Seokjin.

My first encounter with Yoongi was intriguing. After meeting Seokjin's bandmates, Yoongi was the last to make my acquaintance. His face held little emotion, but he told me I must have ignited something inside of Seokjin. He explained how private Seokjin was and they barely met any of his friends. Yoongi asked what made me special. I told him when I figured it out, he would be the first to know. My response made him smile, noting Seokjin, and I had similar humor. Perhaps they see something I don't.

Yoongi left and Seokjin's face appeared as he set the phone down. "Congratulations on the release of the new album. I'm proud of you Seokjinnie." I spoke once he was alone.

Seokjin, stuffing his face with food, chewed quickly before answering. "Thank you. Do you want a copy? I'll autograph it for you?" He grinned.

"No, I do not want a copy," I answered while putting on my lipstick.

"Why not? You don't want my autograph? You don't support your friend and his career. I need new friends." He joked.

I rolled my stare at him. "You are all about drama tonight. Anyway," I made a kissing gesture in the mirror, approving my look. "I have to go. My friends are waiting for me. How do I look?" I asked Seokjin and turned around for him.

Seokjin's stare fell tender and my heart melted a bit. "You are beautiful, Hazel. Have fun and be safe."

"Thank you, Jin. Get some rest." I smiled at him before waving and hanging up. If I stayed on the phone with him any longer, I wouldn't have the heart to leave, though it wouldn't be possible. I've already left my heart with him.

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