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Seokjin's Perspective

The car I arrived in waited along the curb. Peeking inside, I noticed Taehyung was still there. I thought he would be on his way to see Shae, who surprisingly lived a few blocks down from Hazel. I often teased him about them probably knowing each other and not telling us. He could have been over to her and the car would be back waiting for me. I knew I wouldn't take too long with Hazel. There wasn't any need to.

Seokjin, I love you.

I shook my head and Taehyung's expression softened the minute I got into the car. The driver was about to take off, but Taehyung told him to wait. Told him we're not ready to leave. I frowned, wondering what he meant. "What happened?" He asked.

My eyes stung. The last thing I wanted to do was cry in front of my brother and driver, so I gritted my teeth, and felt the tension in my jaws tightened, just to keep me from showing my feelings.

Seokjin, I love you.

"It won't work." I said, short and harsh. Forget the echo in my mind. I know Hazel and I know me. It's going to be complicated when it should be easy. Love should be easy, but it's not. It takes work from both parties willing to give their all. Willing to sacrifice.


I lowered my head, still holding my tears in. If I talk more, I will lose control of them and I can't. I need to just...

"Hyung, why not?" Taehyung asked again.

I just shook my head. Taehyung sighed and checked his phone. It seemed as if he was studying the time. Shae is waiting for him and I'm keeping him. We need to take him to her before she worried.

"I want to be with Shae," Taehyung began. "And I believe she wants to be with me too, but what we do scares her. I want her to tell me if it does, but she won't. She has every right to be scared, but I'm confident I can assure her protection -I will always protect her."

I lifted my gaze to Taehyung, who stared out of the window. "I love her and I won't give up on her, no matter how afraid she is." He mumbled.

My heart drummed hard enough to hear it in the quietness of the car. Taehyung wasn't the type to open up when it came to relationships, and he kept this one a secret until we realized how serious he was about Shae. He made me consider my relationship with Hazel. Our friendship. Our past and our present. Most of all, my feelings for her.

Seokjin, I love you.

I liked Hazel the minute I saw her. My mother told me about her friend who married a foreigner and he moved here for a job. She was happy her friend remarried after being widowed for so long. When mother showed me a photo of the man and his daughter, it intrigued me. The smile on Hazel's face with her dad showed me how happy she was and I felt the sense of how much family meant to her just from a photo.

My mother told me she worked at the network and I would run into her next time we were there. So I looked for her. I scanned every unfamiliar face until I saw her, and when I did my heart fell to ground. I didn't care to pick it up-hoping she would and take it because the minute I laid eyes on her, my heart belonged to her.

I had to make it appear as if I didn't know her. She would think of me crazy if I said: "I've been staring at your picture for weeks waiting for the moment to speak with you." So, I played it cool, well as cool as I could, and it worked. We became friends.

But my heart crumbled when I learned she didn't want to date idols. She told me she saw them all the time, and she worked in the entertainment business while she lived in the states. Hazel said it wasn't the life for her. She enjoyed her privacy and freedom. If she dated a celebrity, those liberties wouldn't exist. I coudn't blame her and it would be selfish of me to pursue her knowing this.

So I chucked it up and dated, but it wasn't the same. Hazel became my best friend. My confidant. When I was having a hard time, she was the one I turned to. I liked Hazel, and she took care of me like a friend should. I grew to love her as a friend, but when we danced for the first time at my parents' annual Christmas party, I fell in love with her.

I blamed my hurt on Hazel and I shouldn't. We are both to blame. Our friendship moved beyond casual because I couldn't contain my feelings for her any longer and it's when the trouble began. All she ever did was try to uncomplicate the mess we created, only for our feelings to evolve more.

The night I visited her before we left, I had no intention of making love to her, but how could I not? Being so close to her excited me, but seeing her hurt frightened me. Perhaps I should have asked her why she cried, but she needed me, like I needed her. I love her with everything I have and everything that's waiting for me. I want her and only her. And she admitted she loved me too.

Seokjin, I love you.

"I turned my back on her." I said to Taehyung, who glanced at me. "She told me she loved me and I turned my back on her."

"Go back to her, Jin hyung. If she's scared to be with you, go back and tell her you will protect her. We fight like hell to keep goodness in our life. Don't let Hazel slip away."

I nodded to Taehyung, and my hands were on the door handle before I could breathe again. "Thank you," I whispered to him and got out. I tapped on the roof of the car, signaling for the driver to leave. I'm not leaving until I show Hazel how much I love her.

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For those of you who don't know, Shae is a character is from the Idol Series starring Taehyung.

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