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"So first thing first, don't call me 'sensei'. That's way too wierd and it makes me look like a grandpa."
"So what do I call you then?"
"Just Chuuya is fine."
"Hai, Chuuya-san."

"Second, the Boss is 'Boss,' and you must always refer to him and answer to him with 'Boss.'"
"Hai, Chuuya-san."

"Third, you must always obey my command. There will be serious punishment should you fail to do so."
"Hai, Chuuya-san."

Chuuya stopped walking. We were on one of Yokohama's many streets, looking for... a bakery. He had to pick up a cake for the Boss' daughter, the blond one. He looked down at me, "how old even are you?"
"I'm 15, Chuuya-san." He looked... surprised? "I'm still growing," I persisted, making him smirk. No idea why.

We didn't talk for awhile after that, and it wasn't until after he had picked up the cake did he ask me another question.

"What's your name?" Baffled, I said "Kiyo, Chuuya-san."
"No, your surname."
"I don't believe I have any, sir." I replied, a bit more relieved, if not slightly embarrassed. "Ah," he said distantly.

We passed a hat shop. Or rather, we almost passed a hat shop but Chuuya decided to go into it. I looked at the nice hat atop his head, wondering why he'd ever want a different one.

He took one of the hats off a shelf. It was very similar to his, but with a dark green band around it instead of a brown one. After looking at it for awhile, he bought the thing. I could only observe this interesting hobby of his.

"Last question, Kiyo-chan: what exactly is your ability?"
Ah, the golden question. It took the rest of the walk to explain it.

It doesn't have a name yet, so I had nothing to call it by. I did my best to describe it. Basically, if I focus, I can tell a person's ability by looking at them and then use it as my own for a short 10 minutes. To use it, first I need to have found out what it is (by looking at them) and I have to touch them. And I can only 'stickpile' two abilities at once. Abilities that cancel each other out, or abilities that destroy other abilities I can't store together. There are a couple of other flaws, but that was basically the gist of it.

He didn't have anything to say for a bit. On our way up the building to deliver the cake to Boss, we met a women with red hair that was done up. Her kimono was quite elaborate. She was clearly another executive, or at least a person of high-value.

"Ane-san," Chuuya greeted her with a respectful bow, making the woman smile and me stop in my tracks.

Ane-san? Elder sister? They don't look alike at all. The woman noticed my (possibly rude) stare, and laughed a little.

Chuuya glanced back, a peculiar look on his face. "This is Kouyou Ozaki, my... mentor, you could say. She is also one of the executives. "

I bowed, "my name is kiyo." Kouyo twirled her umbrella, smiling, never directly acknowledging me. Chuuya and kuoyou chatted for a bit, then bid eachother departure.

As the woman passed me she stopped, looking down down at my small frame, "she reminds me of my Kyouka and.... that Dazai. Take care of her, Chuuya, darkness is often hard to navigate."

"Of course, Ane-san" Chuuya said, leading me away.

An hour later, after chuuya had gone in to see the Boss, leaving me outside to myself, he returned. I had been sitting on a bench, and stood up the second I saw him. I was quite relieved, as it was getting dark out and I had been told to "stay put."
"We are going," he ordered. Naturally, I followed him.

Next chapter drops tomorrow! (Jan 11/22)

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