michael myers headcanons (1978-2021)

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headcanons for our favorite mask wearing slasher man michael mike myers

(no rz michael myers , only because i haven't seen the movies yet ik i suck)

michael myers - 1978-2018 (halloween kills too)
- alright i know this is weird but let's just start off with saying that michael smells HORRIBLE. he probably took a shower like 10 times his entire stay at smiths grove. plus he probably sprays himself in axe everyday so?? old man myers smells even WORSE 

- michael probably smiles a lot whenever he gets a kill he likes.. i mean tell me he wasn't smiling a bit when he killed bob and did that little head tilt! plus that scene in the bathroom in halloween 2018 when you could see him smiling through the stall

- he loves candy , his favorite is skittles (skittles rule)

- aromantic! also bisexual

- probably autistic (sorry im autistic and i hc every character autistic my apologies.. hehe)

- doesn't talk often but an avid swear word sayer (tell me he doesn't)

- smells like latex too

- idk why but i just feel like he'd like tetris

- favorite drink is dr. pepper 

- dude probably giggles too 

- can we be honest that michael probably had no idea how to drive and just winged it somehow

- does michael sleep? yes. does michael snore? yepppp. does michael sleep with his mask on? nope that would be UNCOMFORTABLE

- does michael use the bathroom? yes, hopefully. don't want him to get a uti from holding it his entire killing spree.. though im pretty sure michael never took any bathroom breaks in halloween 2018 and kills so..

- michael loves cats!

that's all for now :D sorry i couldn't do that many headcanons but ill update with the rz michael soon once i watch the movies. hope you enjoy, the next slashers i'll do are billy lenz and brahms heelshire! :)

edit 1/17/22 : even more headcanons below because micheal brainrot


- all he's had is bland as fuck prison food for the past 15 years, so if you give him a mcdonald's sprite he'd probably start convulsing and have a heart attack and die. 

- can't shave in a mental institute (i think?) so he just plucks out his facial hair one by one

- has to throw up? he swallows it.

- if halloween 1978 took place in present day he'd probably own airpods that are blasting the halloween theme and hunter's moon ( i even have a spotify playlist built for him oops )

- stomach pump king (from all those dogs he ate..)

- loves bees

- peels paint off the walls when he's bored 

- eats all the colorful sprinkles off cosmic brownies, then puts them back in the box. wrapped.

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