how slashers text part one

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decided I would start taking requests only just to see what the people want so here's how the slashers text hope u enjoy :D

michael myers (1978) - probably dry as all hell.. "hey" "hi" "ok" but he will sprinkle in some emojis here and there 

michael myers (2018/2021 (hk) - dryer then 1978 let me tell you.. he's a boomer okay he doesn't know how. "hi" "bye" "ok"

jason voorhees - "Hi!" "Okay!" proper grammar like that, he's a very pleasant texter but is still kind of confused on how it works lol

freddy krueger - dry.. again.. okay but he says "goodnight :)".. you know why

bubba sawyer - he's very confused but its okay! he uses many emoticons (mostly :) and :D) (like me)

chop-top sawyer - types in all caps because he can "HEY" "WASSUP" also probably uses the >:) emoticon a lot

brahms heelshire - let's be real he probably doesn't even know how to turn the phone on...

billy lenz - "Hey" "How Are You" also says swear words a lot.. 

herbert west -  "Hello, how are you?" proper grammar again of course

leslie vernon - just like michael you know he does

thats it for part one uhhhhhhhhhh yeah

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