slashers at a party part two

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part two ft. slashers i didnt include and or wanted to do something else with

hannibal lecter: like... what *would* he do? just dont let him get hungry.. also sitting in the corner playing chess with anyone who wants to.

vincent sinclair: bo practically had to FORCE him to come, poor vinny would probably be alone somewhere playing chess with jason. all he wants is to get back to his wax figures LOL

bo sinclair: the "life of the party".. would drunkinly break dance with his bro lester, try to flirt with tiffany, would start playing heavy death metal (dont ask me ight). tbh he'd just scare everyone away besides lester, freddy, chop-top and billy lenz.

lester sinclair: again, just vibin with his brother bo, but would probably hide in the bathroom stall and throw roadkill on people trying to get in. also no one would want to get real close to him because he smells HORRRRIBLE. 

chop-top sawyer: partying mostly with nubbins, scaring the shit out of people half the time, you name it. him and chucky playing poker and gambling random shit in the house away like a lamp or picture frame. (chop-top always wins and chucky nearly flips a table over.)

nubbins sawyer: taking pictures, vibin with nubbins, probably sneaking glances over at chuck's hand to see it and basically cheating with his brother, the usual. forces drayton to make his good ol' barbeque.

drayton sawyer: absolutely DONE with everyone's shit. forced into the party by nubbins, he'd just be somewhere making his bbq. once he serves it though everyone goes hog wild, billy lenz comes out of his attic and devours all of it before anyone can get a taste which results in everyone chasing him up the attic like a pack of dogs.

pyramid head: "damn pyramid dude, you thicc ashell" - everyone

leslie vernon: shows up, nobody knows who he is. so he just trys to get in the bathroom but lester is throwing roadkill at him.

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