brahms heelshire (the boy 2016)

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headcanons for brahms heelshire from the boy (2016)

brahms heelshire

- dude has superhuman strength how do you think he got through the wall in that one scene?

-  like michael he smells too.... don't @ me alright he's been living in a wall for like 20 years

- overall a calm and collected dude, though gets angry at times (obvious)

- doesn't swear because he has no idea what swear words are

- hair is very greasy (very very)

- has attachment issues (he just like me fr sorry)

- probably has scars from the fire

- despite living in the walls, he probably got some decent exercise (yep) (what else are you supposed to do in the walls hm?)

- will turn into dust if you give him a sip of a redbull or monster

- like knitting and crocheting! 

- slight british accent, only slightly.. 

- hecking sneaky as frick

- gets jealous EASILY

- demisexual

that's all though i will write more for brahms! hope you like it :D <3

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