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"Miss? Here's the tea you asked for."

Ganyu's voice flits through your ears like a calming breeze. She places your drink on your desk – just behind a plaque that reads Wangsheng Corporation - Consultant. The scent of freshly brewed qingxin petals wafts to your nose and you feel every nerve ending in your body relax at the more aroma.

"Thank you," you tell her kindly. "You're right. This tea really does work miracles."

Your secretary hides a giggle behind her hand. "Both Lady Ningguang and Mister Zhongli became fond of it when I started working for them. I figured it would be the same with you."

The golden band on your finger seems to glint in the sunlight streaming into your office as you take a few sips. You used to think that tea was nothing but leaf water, but if you have someone like Zhongli for a husband, you're bound to start appreciating the finer things in life – Ganyu's herbal remedy included.

"Oh, that reminds me," she perks up. "Is the director coming back soon? I heard that four months is already a good time to check for the gender."

You're a bit surprised by her words, but Ganyu has always exhibited her excitement for the budding life in your womb the moment you made the announcement a few months back.

"Zhongli's secretary told me he should be home by the end of the week," you tell her kindly, free hand instinctively going to the slight swell of your belly. "Once we figure out whether it's a boy or a girl, I promise you're the first person we'll inform."

She gasps. "You really mean that, miss?"

"Why not? You're the godmother after all~"

Once Ganyu recovers from the initial shock from being assigned as your child's godmother, you're left to your lonesome once more.

It's been six months since Hu Tao stepped down as the director for Wangsheng Corporation – passing the title onto Zhongli – and six months since you've held office as the company's new consultant. At times, you still find it strange, how you're the one giving advice with regards to your husband's dealings with other businesses. But you remind yourself that everything happens all in due time.

Your old life as a succubus is way behind you now, but there are moments where you still think of what happened to Rex Lapis after Guizhong's death. Did he get killed by the other gods? Did he lead the Guili Assembly to the harbor? What happened to the stone dumbbell Guizhong gave to him? You'll never know now that you've lost the ability to travel through dreams.

But in the back of your head, you hoped he was able to find some sort of deliverance from the pain induced by his lover's passing.

In the midst of your contemplation, your phone buzzes with a text – one that you're quick to open.

Zhongli [10:54]: I'm boarding the plane at Fontaine National Airport right now. Should be back by tonight :)

Huh. That was earlier than expected.

Me [10:54] We'll be waiting with a nice bottle of osmanthus ^__^

Zhongli [10:55]: Darling, please. Drinking is bad for the baby

Me [10:55]: One glass won't cause genetic disorders, Zhongli.

Zhongli [10:56]: Very well... I'll still make sure to watch your consumption though.

Me [10:56]: Fine by me <3 Take care on the way back. I love you.

Zhongli [11:15]: Sorry, just got past a checkpoint. I love you, too.

You put away your phone with a sigh, tracing the rim of your teacup absentmindedly. For good measure, you pinch your cheek the same way Hu Tao used to do when she was still in charge – just to make sure you're not dreaming.

But the baby is intent on helping you out with that when you feel it kick a bit too hard against your navel.

"Okay, point taken," you mumble.

A year ago, you wouldn't have pictured yourself carrying a human child – much more picturing yourself as a human. But you learned that time is kind to those who wait. It's just as Zhongli said: regardless of everything that happened in the past, what's important is what you do now in the present.

And to you, that's all that matters.


Phew I really just dumped this onto everybody's plates out of nowhere huh,,, well, here's the end of it! I wrote this non-stop in the span of three days like a total madman and I honestly thought I wouldn't have it in me to go on another writing marathon of that caliber... 


I have another story revolving around yakuza!childe and hostess!reader in the works. Just like this one, I'll be publishing it as an entire oneshot (probs 20-30k words give or take) on ao3 first before breaking it up into chapters here on wattpad! No promises on when that's going to be posted, but if you liked this fic, it would be rad if you tuned into that one too <3 

Thank you so much for reading! 

xoxo Kai

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